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"How are you, Mrs. Spence?" I asked while arranging the folded table on her lap before putting on top, her food and medicine.

"I feel blessed whenever I see your handsome face, Nurse Mon." She cheerfully reply.

She reach out and I lean in so she won't apply too much energy just to touch my cheek, she lightly pinch it. Her cheerful smile faded, her face turning into a worried frown. She turn my face from left to right, examining it.

"Did you loose weight again?" I was taken aback by her words. I did?

Maybe because I'm too preoccupied with all that happened last week, that I didn't noticed my daily habits became much worse that sometimes I accidentally skip meals.

I forced a smile, holding her right hand down and gave it a light squeeze. "I guess so, don't worry~ I'll gain weight fast when I eat at a buffet with someone later."

"Ohhh, you're seeing someone eh? Who is she?" Ms. Whine said from the other bed across Mrs. Spence.

I went to her with the food trolley and arrange the folded table of her hospital bed. "I'm not seeing anyone and a college friend of mine who's a guy, invited me."

"A girl or a guy, what's the difference? It's still love. And if you both truly have a strong feeling for each other, that's the only thing that matters." I arranged her meal while shaking my head to her statement.

"Is that line from one of those afternoon series, again?" She nodded showing me the finger heart sign.

"Huh uh, did you watch it?" She asked.

"Can't, afternoon shifts are much more hectic than night shifts. I need to go around all the time." I explained writing down the time they both started eating and taking their individual medicines.

"Nurse Kimmon are you complaining having this shift?" The head nurse suddenly spoke behind me. I turned around shaking my head furiously.

"No, ma'am. I was just--" Before I can continue my explanation she chuckled grabbing the clipboard from my hands.

"I'm just kidding, don't be so nervous Mon." I let out a relieved sigh. "Doc Ian wants to see you in his office."

"Now? But I'm still have four more rooms to deliver their meals and medicine, kab."

"Don't worry, I'll take it from here." The head nurse gave me a reassuring smile. I nodded and waved goodbye to both ladies.

"See you at dinner, Mrs. Spence and Ms. Whine."

"Don't overworked yourself, Nurse Mon."

"Eat your meals too, young man."

They sent me flying kisses that I playful caught. They're really are so sweet and caring~

"Kab~" I waved one last time.


"Nurse Mon, good afternoon~"

"Good to see you, Nurse Mon!"

Walking towards Doc Ian's office, I came across different patients that I'm taking care off and supervising for the past one year. All of them are very friendly and strong-willed.

I sometimes envy them for those personality, I wish I'm also capable of such mindset.

A lot of patients are wondering around the hospital right now because most of them are getting bored at this hour. They often went to the garden just to relax or talk with other patients as part of every patients treatment.

This Five MonthsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum