"No invite then?"

If Tine was made of weaker shit, he would've said yes to the pout on Sarawat's face. But the thought of Sarawat seeing his office papered with CTRL+S memorabilia was enough to dismiss the thought entirely. He would have to clean that up first, or at least lock the damn door.

Tine grinned at him, getting out of the car.

"Ask me out on a date first."


@BKK_cuteboy Spotted! Sarawat and his mystery man go on a secret car date? We're loving the dressed down look, S! His man seems to be in corporate attire. I wonder what he does... (attached was a picture of Sarawat and Tine in the car, waiting at Starbucks drive-through)

@sarawatsREALwife maybe he's just a manager for the company!

@EarnPearIsReal With the size of those hickies? He better not be!

@ctrlSOT3 if he was a manager, it would be very unethical for them to date. it wouldn't be fair to earn or pear.

@ctrlSOT4ever @ctrlSOT3 don't forget MIL!

@ctrlSOT3 have you been living under a rock? mil is a leech who doesn't deserve to be part of CTRL+S!

@whoTFisSarawatsBF well whoever he is, he's cute and i hope they're happy

@CTRL+S_officialFC We stan a single Sarawat but we stan a happy Sarawat more! Don't forget to check out Earn and Pear's new single, written and produced by Sarawat! (link to MV on Youtube)

"Tine is apparently now your manager," Air commented as she scrolled through her Twitter feed. "It's as if they've forgotten I exist."

"Are you on Twitter?" Sarawat asked Pear as they rode the elevator up to Dim's floor. Earn and Pear were parking and also on their way up.

"Yeah," Air said absently, brightly colored fingertips tapping the screen as she monitored the influx of tweets and replies to Sarawat and Tine's latest picture. "When was this even taken? You hate Starbucks."

"Yesterday evening. Tine has apparently developed an unhealthy obsession with their Iced Café Mocha."

Air nodded, seemingly happy with the state of Twitter this morning. She had given Man and Boss and earful the other day for tweeting about Tine and that dreaded "in-law" comment. Needless to say, the two were scared shitless of CTRL+S' five-foot-one manager that they promised to swear off Twitter and IG for the next week.

"I hope Man learns to keep his mouth closed or I will ask P'Type to sew it shut for him. Same goes for Boss."

"I will let your sentiments be known again, milady."

"Don't be sassy. I will say yes to that photoshoot with GQ that you've been avoiding."

Sarawat grimaced at the thought of being half-naked on the cover of that magazine. Sure, the first time he was featured on it, he was with his band and they were more or less appropriately dressed. The current offer was for a solo shoot with him, topless photos for the cover and the spread included in the request.

Air laughed at Sarawat's expression. "Come on."

The duo stopped in front of Dim's office, where Sarawat could see Tine setting up the table with numerous documents. He looked up and spotted Sarawat through the glass, a smile brightening up his face as he waved with one hand, then narrowly avoiding the smack Dim had intended for his head.

"Boss!" Tine whined, "They're here."

Dim coughed, embarrassed, and gave Air and Sarawat a wai. "Please, sit. I have all the papers ready for you."

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