Chapter 6

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"Teddy Lupin. We named him after his grandfather Ted Tonks," She told him proudly.

"That's wonderful. If we have a girl I want her name to be Delphini, but if it's a boy we wanted to name him Tom," Bellatrix explained. After they had finished all of the baby talk, they went back to the subject at hand. Neither party could determine what had happened to their child and it only ended with them all being even more scared for her then before. Nobody knew were Lily was, but Lily herself. After they finished talking Bellatrix and the Dark Lord bid their goodbyes and went back to their home. Later that night everyone was thinking the same thing, where is Lily Potter.

Back at Hogwarts things were getting better. Lily had become the quidditch team captain in her fourth year, a year earlier than she was supposed to, but she was Lily Potter and it seemed like Hogwarts always bends it's rules for her. She was one of slytherin's best players, so her being gone had hindered them a bit. Draco was appointed to take her place as captain and he also became the seeker in her place making it easier to find someone to fill his spot instead of a seeker.

The last couple of months that followed Lily's disappearance was rough. Everyone was terrified and fought each other at first. Everyone was down the slytherin's throat because they believed it was their fault. They thought that slytherin was in cahoots with the Dark Lord and that the Dark Lord was going to attack any day now.

The slytherins were scared themselves. Everyone had been on edge. The slytherins had also began to look at Lily as some form of protection from the Dark Lord, just like everyone else did. Her presences made everyone feel better about what they all believed was to come. As the end of the year was nearing everyone was restless.

Draco had became cold. He had lost his spark and rarely interacted unless he needed to. He focused on studying and his duties as head boy and captain to keep his mind off of everything. But on the side he did his own research. He did everything in his power to try and figure out where Lily had gone. He searched her room at Hogwarts and everything, but couldn't find any traces of her plans. He also searched all their secret places that they shared. The only place left to search was Potter Mansion. He planned to go there after he had graduated.

He didn't have to work right away because he would end up inheriting the Malfoy Manor and everything to do with it. Draco had grown up spoiled with lots of money and love, so he never desired for anything. His plan was to search for Lily for awhile before he wanted to join the Ministry of Magic with his father.

Pansy on the other hand had developed insomnia and couldn't help but worry about Lily. Even though Lily had promised that she would be safe, Pansy was still very worried. She at least thought that Lily would write to her and Draco, but she didn't. She didn't send any form of letters saying that she was okay and that scared Pansy. Pansy knew what Draco was doing and she wanted to help, but he wouldn't let her. So Pansy began her own research, starting with the Dark Lord and how she Lily could save him.

That's when the idea hit Pansy. Even though it was the middle of the night she got up quickly and changed. Making her way to Draco's room her heart was pounding and she could hear it in her ears. She quickly opened his door with the spare key and went to him.

It had been another late night for Draco, he had been siting at his desk reading, but he had been on the same page for hours. He was thinking of Lily when he heard someone behind him. Whenever he was thinking of Lily he could hardly focus on anything else.

"What is it Pansy?" He asked turning around. He knew it was Pansy because only Pansy and Lily had keys to his room.

"Don't freak out," Pansy told him. Draco rolled his eyes and sighed.

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