My breathing was shallow, but I loved how he was so vocal about how he feels. He is ofcourse stretching it too far. But is it wrong to admit, I like it.

"Eric...I don't want to wait anymore!"

His eyes shined at this and he went back down on me. His touch everywhere was electrifying and I certainly lost myself in the moment. He would at times become a little harsh with his mouth, but admitting that I loved it would do nothing but embarrass me.

But today giving him something as precious as my virginity, I definitely stamped on my love the claim.


I loved having her below me, withering first in pain then in pleasure. I don't know how I managed to be so gentle with her. Well, I don't know how I always manage to be the man, I am when with her.

She's definitely my ray of sunshine!

"I love you!", I heard her mutter as she reached her high, contorting her face in such a pleased expression, that I was proud of myself. And the realisation was so beautiful, I came undone.

I have fucked many.

But I have never made love to anyone!

Tired, she laid silently, breathing to gain back the calm. I stood up, wore my sweatpants. I cleaned her and slipped my shirt on her.

Once done, I decided to enjoy the afterheat and went to lie next to her.
She snuggled in my arms, smiling.

I leaned and kissed her forehead, for the first time actually happy. 'Happy' was not a word in my dictionary, but I think this woman, has brought with herself another dictionary and replaced my old one.

"I love you Eric!", She said again, in a sleepy voice.

Smiling, I kissed her nose, "I love you too!"

I laid back and sighe.....

Wait what!?

My body stiffened at my own words that sounded foreign in my ears. How in the world!?
I looked down to see her sleeping.

She didn't hear! She would have freaked out if she did.

After making sure, she's fast asleep and comfortable, I distanced myself and sat on the edge of the bed.

I love her!? I fucking love her!?

But where is my fear that if I love her, I will lose her? And how those words came out of my lips so naturally.
I was freaking out!
I think I will have a panic attack.

I came out of the room, and searched for my phone.
As soon as I found it, I frantically called the one person I know would understand me.

"David Wellington here!", He said in a sleepy voice.

"I love her!", I uttered without knowing what else to do. Man! How did it come to love? And why the hell I never realised it?

He yawned, "And you called to tell me this and make me jealous!? Sorry Eric! But I have moved on from you!"

"David I am not joking!", I said exasperated, "I really love her! The words just came out like...She was sleeping the tiredness off, and I confessed it! God!!", I rubbed my face like a maniac.

I heard some shuffling and then he chuckled, "It's still morning, and she's tired? Eric?? What did you do?"

I stayed silent.
Nothing much. I took her virginity, broke my own temporary virginity. And realized I love her!

He gasped like the drama queen he is, "Did
Mr. Eric Ashton finally get laid?"


I heard him squeal like a pig, "Oh my god! Finally I will be an uncle! Eric! Tell me the details!"

"I am not telling you anything!", I growled.

He snickered, "C'mon man! I am your best buddy!"

"Get lost!", I seethed.

"Hey! You realized you love her! But don't forget you have given her one hard time denying your feelings. I knew you are that vintage tube light that will eventually glow. So when you really confess, make it something grand, so that moment gets etched in her memory forever!"

"Okay!", I nodded like a patient student. Because I knew when it comes to love, and confession of it, I am a qualified dumbass!

"Now go to her! When she wakes up, she would want to see you beside her."
He wasn't wrong. I hung up when he said I should atleast say a thank you.
Thank you my foot! I pay for his online orders till date!


"Are you still sore!?", She shook her head, but I knew she is.

I went back to the kitchen and continued cooking while she was watching me from the dining room. 

I have been walking on eggshells since I realized 'that'. What if I say it again? How will I make that moment special for her?

I served her the soup noodles, and made some coffee for her. While she was eating, I was just watching her.
Even she looked happier!? She had a red glow in her skin, and the faint sunlight of the dusk was lighting up her hair beautifully.

"Erica? Where do you like more? States or Italy!?"

She narrowed her eyes obviously not expecting such question but answered nonetheless, "In States, I only have you. Here, I have you and everyone. Ofcourse, I like Italy more!"

Just then the doorbell rang. I knew what was to come, and so I went and received the parcel.

She was almost finished with her food, when I kept the thing before her, "For you.."

She looked puzzled for a while, "What is it Eric?"

"You see yourself!", I sat down beside her not blinking my eyes once. I wanted to see her reaction.

She unpacked the wrap over the silver box.
And then eventually opened it, to find the content inside.

Her eyes widened as soon as she looked at it. Several expressions crossed her eyes, but one thing was clear. She liked it.

"How is it?"

She shook her head smiling, "This is so beautiful!"

"I know you don't like extravagancy. But I also know that now since you are mine, you deserve to be treated like a queen!" I surrounded my arms around her, picking up the thing from the box, making her wear it.

A platinum chain, with the letter E dangling as a pendant. E was studded with her favourite emerald stones. That E stands for Eric if anyone ever had a doubt. But I think she did.

"Thank you so much Eric! This E for Erica looks so beautiful... just like..."

"E for Eric!", I cleared it.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "I wouldn't assume that! E for Erica!!"

I pulled her hard, and turned the pendant where my full name was carved in short, discrete way, such that one can only see it closely.

"Eric! Here! It is written! I knew you would pull this stunt. I also made a heart just after my 'C' so you don't act clever and add a 'A' there!"
I clarified and that made her laugh.

"You are such a possessive ass!", I got a comment but it is wrong that I like it?


I hate this dumbass Eric!😒
I don't know what it is that all my male characters turn against me as the story proceeds.

By the way, I didn't give much juicy details, because let me tell you, I am not comfortable in writing that. I don't know how I wrote one in UCDM or the BET!?
GOD! the bigger I am getting, the innocent my mind is becoming 😂🤣

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