Shockveins And An Interaction

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(The story is being rewritten so past chapter 4(Suspicion and Chocolate) you will see Red instead of Cross- sorry for the confusion.

The sun was bright and golden on this green-summer day, filling the air with a dry sense of heat - everyone in the city agreed that they could live without the dry heat that left their mouth tasting like the desert sand - that the city seemed to be trapped in. Bustling cars roared past the many people on the sidewalks.

Everyone was awake in this city; either going to work, spending time with family and friends, or doing their daily things in life: Humans and Monsters alike live in this particular city; however, not everyone got along.

No, even in this non-segregated city not everyone got along: it's been three years since the monsters were released from the underground. Most have been accepting, but not all.

Though, both species have one thing in common - well, more than one thing - there were the morning people and the not-morning people.

And sleeping in a two-story house a little ways away from the city (some would consider the country or the outskirts) was a strange human.

Now, you may be wondering who this human was.

She is called Y/n.

And Y/n was most definitely not a morning person. And boy, did she have a few (more like a hundred) specific-colorful-choice words for waking up in the morning.

In all honesty - as honest as she could be - she would rather never wake up, or at least be dragged everywhere without moving. But, she has no friends or family (that she knew of) who would be willing to drag her anywhere - so, she'll just have to choose to not wake up.

The bright sunlight of the morning-summer very much disagreed with her standards of living.

Y/n was sleeping peacefully in her bed, blissfully unaware of the impending sunlight that was going to wake her up in a few minutes time.

A sudden loud pecking noise echoed in her room; the source coming from the window. A bird was knocking on her window, as if to tell her that the morning was waiting for her to greet it.

Y/n groaned at the bird's attempt to awaken her and get her to greet the dreadful morning that she wished would instantly turn to night when she commanded it.

She shivered in her semi-conscious sleep and turned away from the door across from her and to the window beside her bed. She snuggled closer into the bed and tugged the blue blanket closer to her, a sliver of sunlight from the curtains falling from her H/C hair and to her closed eyelids.

That was a mistake on her part, and if the sun had a laugh: it would have been evil.

The thing that she didn't want to happen, happened: the sunlight invaded her lullaby-like darkness.

Why . . . why is there sunlight - the night . . . the night didn't even last that long. It had only just begun. her semi-conscious voice echoed.

A loud alarm rang in her ear, echoing inside her room and Y/n heard the bird that was pecking away at the window fly away; terrified by the sudden alarm.

Better fly away, you damned sleep-intruding-feathered-bastard. The alarm somehow, as if sensing her unbothered self, rang louder in her ear; the noise getting louder, quieter, and louder again. Determined to wake her up.

"Alright, alright. I'm getting up. . ." her dull and semi-soft voice croaked, sounding like a feather being dragged in a semi-violent breeze.

Y/n groaned as she opened her eyes, the morning sunlight that is peaking through the crack in the curtains invaded her eyes (that were once shielded by her eyelids) and wished her a good morning. Y/n disagreed. Nothing about this morning was good. She didn't want to wake up, move, or do anything in general. But then again, did she really have a choice? Yes, yes she did.

(AU Sans x Reader) Unknown Bond Mixed With Puns *Being rewritten/edited*Where stories live. Discover now