She had been so close. He had felt her in his arms and tasted her on his lips. Just as quickly he had been yanked away. He wanted to scream, something in him felt wild and chaotic but he refrained from the sudden outburst. He could lure someone down quickly enough but he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do after they ventured into the dungeon. He was clearly one of the least powerful individuals there. The brother had enough power in a simple command than Sebastian had in his entire body. He had to figure out another way. He stood quickly, moving from one side of the cell to the other in frantic shaky steps that resulted in little to nothing. There was no way out. The bars were all sturdy with gaps just big enough to slip an arm out but nothing more. He was just about to give up and slam his head into a wall when Lucian slipped in through the same cracked foundation.

"Lucian?" Sebastian hissed. He was still removing remarkably well for a punching bag. He was limping slightly. The bloody wound stayed hidden underneath a clean shirt.

"I knew you'd get caught," he looked annoyed with the situation. "Where are the bottles?"

"I have them," Sebastian nodded.

"Give me one," Lucian demanded. "I'll get it to her. You can find her right?"

"Yeah," Sebastian assured him. "How are you going to get it to her? She's with the Mother right now."

"Don't worry about it," Lucian jutted his chin toward him, a quiet demand to hand over the potion. Sebastian really had no other options so he pulled one glass bottle from his pocket and slipped it into Lucian's open palm. The older man dropped the newly acquired potion in his chest pocket, his jaw clenching twice before he turned his back on his old friend.

"I'll get this to her but it's up to you afterward," Lucian warned him. He didn't give Sebastian enough time to respond, walking stiffly up the flight of stairs.


Madeline hadn't changed for tea. Instead she clutched the neckline of her black robe, her bare feet treading softly against the lush rugs. They arrived in the same room from the first meeting, the fire sent a searing heat through the place. The same damp scent accompanied by fresh flowers filled the entirety of the space. Emilia was already sitting, her body remained wrapped in that black lace that complimented her alabaster neck perfectly.

"Glad to see you are feeling better," Emilia smirked. Her bright blue eyes twinkled over a silver-rimmed teacup. "Inviting boys up to your room at this hour, Madeline. How scandalous."

"You need to let him go," Madeline interrupted. There was a fire burning inside her. She didn't want to put anyone else in danger. If that meant making some sort of deal with the devil then she would just have to do it. She obviously had no chance of getting out.

"I don't need to do anything," Emilia sighed.

"Then do it for me," Madeline urged. "I'll stay here if you just let him go. He doesn't need to be here."

"You really think you have a choice in the matter?" Emilia smiled sadly. She shook her head disapprovingly. "I don't need to bargain with you. You cannot leave, dearest. I love you and I do know what's best. Eventually, you will see that. Everyone does"

"Fine," Madeline clenched her jaw. She heard the gritty grindings of her teeth sliding across each other in the depths of her ears. "Would you please just let him go then?"

Emilia posed with her tea tickling the underside of her cherry red lips. She seemed to consider the request before sighing deeply. "No. I think I'll keep him nearby. The obvious passion in your reaction... see that is something most curious. He must mean something to you."

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