Chapter 15 - 'Hey Joshy.'

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2months later!

It's been the best time of my life living in Sydney. The boys and Soph have taken me out on multiple adventures. The only downfall is that I can't see George. We talk most days we used to talk everyday but sometimes he says he's really busy so he can't. Sophie just says its because he's promoting his new single 'Carry You' Back in the UK but I just have this guy feeling that something else is happening and he did go on that date with Asami. But maybe Im just being paranoid because we're so far apart.

"Georgia are to ready?" My mum shouts to me as I pull my suitcase out of my room.
Oh did I forget to mention that I'm going to London to surprise him.

"I'm coming." I call.
The drove to the airport is silent because I'm to excited to even talk right now.

"Have a nice time and call me as soon as you get there okay?"

"Okay mum I love you."

"Love you too." She's says kissing me on the forehead before I walk of into the gate.

22 hours later!

"We are now landing at Heathrow airport please put your seat-belts on and turn all appliances off. Thankyou."
I turn my phone onto airplane mode logging out of twitter and pack my laptop away.
I get off the plane and its about 9pm.
George and the boys have a show at 10 so I'm going to surprise them at it. I quickly get my purse out of my bag and hale a taxi.

"Where are you going to mam?" The taxi driver asks.

"The O2 arena please."
I can't contain my excitement I can't wait to see his face.
I get there and it's only 9:20 so I decide to surprise them before there show. I take my backstage pass out my bag and show it to the security man.

"I'll show you to the boys dressing room." He says leading me down several corridors as I drag my suitcase behind me.

"Georgia?" I hear Josh say.

"Hey Joshy." I giggle running up to hi and hugging him.

"OMG what are you doing here?" He shouts."

"Shhh I want to surprise George." I giggle.

"I'll come catch up with you in a minute I just want to go and see George."

I walk down the corridor until I find his dressing room. I walk in completely overwhelmed by what I see.

"What the hell?" I scream

Personally I think the new year sucks due to personal reasons but as I know most people love it I hope you all have an amazing.
Thankyou all for being so amazing I live you all! :) xxx

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