Chapter 5 - Assuie Party

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After I had settled in and unpacked all my stuff I decided I would text George it was like 8 o'clock here so it was quite early in the morning back in the UK.

'Hey George! I've unpacked and I'm now settled miss you! 😘X'

I soon after get a reply I which I wasn't expecting I thought he'd still be asleep.

"Hey beautiful. Glad you're settled send me some pics of the house. I miss you too. 😘xx.'

I attach several pictures of the house on to the text enclosing one with my photo board and then send them to George.

'Whoa the house looks gorgeous I love the photo of me and you! 😘xx' he replies.

'I love it too! I will text you later I'm just going to get some dinner with Sophie tell Everyone me and Soph say Hi xx.'

'Okay beautiful. They say hi back have a nice night. xx'


I put my phone in my pocket and grab my purse and put it in my bag.

I walk down stairs and open my door I notice Sophie coming out of her house at the same time and we both walk down our paths meeting at the bottom.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"I was thinking we could just get a burger from the beach or something?"

"Yeah that sounds good." we start walking to the beach in Sydney which is literately a 5 minute walk away. As we start walking on the sand I notice there is a party happening.

"You set this up didn't you?" I asked Sophie.

"Maybe...Look I heard about the party and I was invited and I asked if I could have a plus one and they said it was cool so we have to go."

"You know I'm never going to say no to a party but you know how socially awkward I am and is that why you picked out my outfit?"

"Yep come on I'll introduce you to everyone you'll be fine." she says tugging me along.

We get into the party atmosphere and I start to get a little nervous. Thought start running through my head,

'What If they don't like me?'

'I have to spend a whole year with these people.'

'What if I get bullied?'

'No stop Georgia concentrate you'll be fine just make a conversation with someone.'

Sophie introduces me to a lot of nice people and they all seemed really welcoming and sweet so this defiantly put me in the party mood. I saw 4 guys sitting together in the corner 3 of them were holding guitars and one had one of those drum things that you an sit on. They all looked supper cute. There was one with dark brown hair that looked supper tanned and super cute. Then you hand the one that looked like Harry styles. He looked older than the rest of the boys.

There was another guy with purple hair and to be fair he was rocking it. It looked amazing. And then there was him he had blond hair that was styled into a small quiff. He had the cutest dimples and he looked like he was quite tall his blue piercing eyes starred into the other boys eyes.

It's okay to window shop right?

"Hey Georgia." I heard someone shout at me. I turned around and saw Sophie waving at me to come and meet some new people so I ran over to her.

Luke Hemming's POV

Me, Ashton, Callum and Mike were sat on the beach at this party we had been invited to. It was a good party but we were just sitting out of the crowd talking about our next YouTube cover that we were going to do.

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