Chapter 14 - Deja Vu

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Monday morning! Time for George and the boys to go home. I'm actually really upset they've only had three days and I wish they could stay longer. It felt like I was on holiday with them but I know I'm not going back.
This is going to sound strange because I've only been here a couple of weeks but I'm glad I'm not going back, as much as I'll miss George and the boys, I'm falling in love with Australia. It's beautiful.

"Déjà vu." I say to George as we stand at the gate for flight 536 to Heathrow airport, London.

"I know there's just one difference." George giggles biting his lip and then looking down to mine. He leans in and places his lips on my own. The kiss is sweet and I feel sparks fly but not like the first time we kissed. This time they've... Died down.
I pull away and falsely smile. What's wrong with me why didn't I feel the sparks when I'm so in live with this boy?

"I'm gonna miss you so much." He smiles.

"I'll miss you too." I give him one last hug before he picks up his bags and enters the gate. I'm about to turn away as I see him disappear when I hear him calling my name.

"Georgia wait." He shouts as he reaches me.

"George you need to get on your plane."

"I know but there's something I need to ask you first. I know that you're half a world away but I'm never happier then when I know I'm with you and when I know you're mine. I know most people don't make long distance work but I want to because I'm completely in love with you.

"Yes." I shout then gush because I realise he hasn't even asked the question yet.

"Really?" He grins.

"Yeah we can make it work." I smile and he kisses me again before running off onto his flight.

"Ahhh he finally asked you!" Sophie shouts running over to me and hugging me.

"I know." I giggle. "It only took him 6 years."
We all walk over to the boys and I see that Ashton and Luke are gone.

"Where's Luke and Ashton?" I ask

"They have gone to get a drink from the cafe." Michael replies.

"Oh okay. So do you guys want to hang out today?" I ask them all.

"Me and the boys can't we have band practice, we've sort of been distracted so we haven't been able to the past week." Calum answers.

"I hope you're not insinuating that I'm the distraction Calum Hood."

"Of course not and if you were you'd defiantly be the best distraction." He laughs.

"I'm free Georgia there's actually something we need to do." Sophie says giving me a wink so I know what she's talking about.

"Oh okay." I say winking back.

"What is it?" Calum and Michael ask at the same time.

"Go shopping!" Be both shout giggle. Then high five because we both stuck to the plan of course the boys don't know that.


Me and Sophie are in my room planning my new YouTube blog.

"What song are you going to sing?" She asks me.

"Well I was thinking I should maybe do an original." I say swinging around on my chair.

"Wait you write songs as well?" She gasps.

"Yeah. I'm just not that confident about them." I sigh.

"Why don't you sing me one and I'll tell you what I think."

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