Dead by Daylight (1)

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A few things: This is not gonna be soft and not really gay... Well there are some parts... But over all this goes into the horror genre and it's gonna get bloody and it's gonna be a little disgusting at some points. Y'all are gonna witness one of my worst dreams which I had for a couple of moths every single night which also has elements of the game "Dead by Daylight"... Just with Mean Girls characters. So if you're not good with all this kind of stuff just don't read it. Enjoy the story.

Janis woke up with a sharp pain striking throughout her whole body. She moaned as she was trying to sit up. Every single movement felt like a thousand knifes being stabbed and twisted inside her. She rubbed her eyes trying to orientate herself. She was sitting a big field with slightly higher grass, the wind made it sway slightly. She could make out trees in the distance... a forest maybe.

Janis knew something was off. She didn't know where she was, let alone how she got here and she couldn't remember what happened the last few days. The fact that it felt like she was being watched didn't make it better. She slowly stood up careful not to trigger any more pain. As soon as she was standing she heard a nerve wrecking scream from the other side of the field.

Panic. Where to go? She needs to hide. Fast.

That's when she discovered a few big rocks kinda piled together building a little cave. She took a closer look. She could definitely squeeze herself through the opening and the space between the rocks was big enough for her to hide for a little bit. Without thinking twice she squeezed herself through the opening getting inside as she heard the second scream. She looked out carefully not to be seen. What she didn't notice before was that she's on a cliff. Maybe ten meters away from the edge.

That's when she saw a guy running right towards it. Kevin? Close behind him a tall big figure.
Before she could even scream for him to watch out he stepped over the edge and fell. The last thing she heard from Kevin was him screaming "FUCK!".

Janis clasped her hands over her mouth to keep herself quiet. She took a few steps back and tried her hardest not to hyperventilate as the man mades his way directly into Janis' direction. Hot tears fell silently down Janis' face. She closed her eyes even though she knew damn well that this whole "If I don't see you, you don't see me" thing doesn't work in the real world. But... is this real? Well Janis hadn't the desire to find out yet.

All Janis could hear was her own heartbeat and someone breathing in through their nose close to her. As if they would smell something. The first time she wished she wouldn't have used her strong smelling lemon shampoo. But she always uses it. It's Cadys favourite smell. Caddie. Janis eyes flew open. Where's Caddie? Was her first thought as she listened to the footsteps of the person slowly fading as they seem to walk away slowly.

As soon as she couldn't hear the footsteps anymore she silently got out of her hiding spot sprinting directly into the woods. As she ran deeper into the woods a slim female figure with long brown hair came into view hovering over something frantically fiddling with what looked like wires. Gretchen.

Janis slowly and quietly made her way towards her.

"Gretchen?" She whispered. Saying a little prayer that no one was near enough to hear it.

Gretchen quickly turned around with a frightened look at her face as if she had just faced the devil himself. And after what Janis has just witnessed she'd believe it.

Gretchen relaxed the tiniest bit when she realised that it's just Janis.

"Not the right time to sneak up on someone Sarkisian." She said audibly annoyed by Janis sudden appearance.

"What do you want me to do, huh? Screaming from the other side of the field?" Janis hissed to which Gretchen just shrugged.

"Fair enough"

Soft and Gay - Cadnis OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin