"Your world stopped."

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[Thursday, May 28, 2020]

Incoming call from Mother ducker


"Hey, what's up your voice is even quieter than usual."

"Oh, nothing..."

"Sure? I can barely hear you."

"Yup. I just...have a headache."

"Oh. Is it bad? Did you take painkillers?"

"No, it'll go away."

"Okay, so how was your day?"

"Same as always. Busy. How about yours?"

"Same as always, boring lectures and annoying roommate. I almost texted you in class earlier, but I didn't want you to get sick of me and that's bound to happen if I keep calling and texting you."

"Hey Keith, here's a random question. Did you by any chance... leave out a little detail when you described to me what you look like?"

"Uh, I don't think so. Why're you asking?"

"Oh I'm just wondering. I mean do you happen to have... dimples, maybe?"



"How did you- wait, you saw me didn't you?"


"Oh my God, you did."



"Okay okay I did."


"I uh...I came by the ice cream parlour earlier today."

"You did?"

"Y-yeah. I mean I just- I was passing by and it was a hot day and I was craving ice cream like always-"



"Why didn't you say hi?"

"I...you were busy."

"I was busy?"

"Yeah...there were a lot of customers..."

"Iris. My shift lasts a couple of hours and I know for a fact it never got crowded once."


"You don't have to lie to me, you know? I thought we trusted each other."

"Fine...I went there to see you."


"I was gonna talk to you, I swear. And then I saw you and-"

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