"I guess you bring out the worst in me."

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[Friday, May 15, 2020]

So...are we gonna pretend I never asked that question

Received : 09:02 pm

What question?

Sent : 09:09 pm

Really Iris?

Received : 09:11 pm

Sorry... I fell asleep last night before u sent that text so that's why I didn't reply

Sent : 09:15 pm

You fell asleep in two minutes?

Received : 09:16 pm

Yeah it only takes me seconds to drift off when I'm sleepy. And I was already asleep when u texted me remember?

Sent : 09:19 pm

You're a light sleeper so a simple text vibration wakes u up remember?

Received : 09:20 pm

Yeah but I was really tired last night so it didn't wake me up the second time

Sent : 09:21 pm

Okay I believe you.. but you do know that you can tell me if you don't want me to call you, right?

Received : 09:22 pm


Sent : 09:25 pm

You know what screw this I'll just be honest with you

Sent : 09:26 pm

I did see the text and I wanted u to call me I really did

Sent : 09:27 pm

Really? Then what's the problem?

Received : 09:28 pm

The problem is... me. I'm the problem.

Sent : 09:32 pm

Care to elaborate?

Received : 09:34 pm

You wouldn't get it anyways just forget it

Sent : 09:37 pm

No can do weirdo

Received : 09:38 pm

You know I won't let it go unless you explain, so why waste time

Received : 09:39 pm

Jeez when did you get so demanding

Sent : 09:41 pm

I guess you bring out the worst in me

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