"What's your favorite song?"

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[Tuesday, May 26, 2020]

Incoming call from Mother ducker



"You called early, thank you for that."

"Yeah, as much fun as it is to annoy you, I don't wanna disturb your sleep. You have an important job, after all."


"Don't be so surprised, it makes me feel like a bad guy."

"Well...you kinda are the bad guy here. You woke me up in the middle of the night two times. The first time you said 'Can I call you?' so when you woke me up the second time I was thinking you'd say 'Can I meet you?' I mean after all you might be trying to take advantage of my sleepy state to manipulate me into agreeing to whatever you say."

"Woah there Ms.Paranoid, okay then, let me offer you a chance to take revenge on me."


"You can call and wake me up in the middle of the night, and then we'll be even."

"Hmm...it does sound tempting. But don't you see the flaw in this awesome revenge plan, genius?"

"Nope. Because there is none."

"What about this one. I'll have to stay up late just to disturb your sleep. Plus, you said you're a night owl. Imagine how late I'd have to stay."

"Oh, that."

"Trust me, if I wanted to get back at you for that night, I'd come up with something that won't backfire on me."

"But you can't. I'm untouchable."

"Pfft, oh please. Don't test me."

"No I really wanna see the best revenge plan you can come up with."

"Fine. You'll see."

"Trust me, the best you can do is unleash Katy Purry on me so she can roar at me or something."

"That's actually a good idea. But sadly I don't know where to find you. If only I knew where you worked..."

"Worry no more, I'll tell ya! The parlour's right next to the entrance of our college. Good luck."

"Hmm...how do I know that's not a fake address?"

"By dropping by and seeing for yourself, of course. I'll even treat you with one cup of your favorite ice cream. On the house."


"Anyway, are you free for another date right now?"

"Jeez stop calling it a date, will you?"

"Why? It can be a date if we say it is. The power's in our hands."

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