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Fandom- OriginZ

Ship- Lucas x Brandon


Lucas jolted up for his sleeping bag he was breathing heavily, he had just woke up form the second nightmare that night.

It had recently got harder for him to sleep after the passing of Podrick, Micheal and David..

Lucas looked over at his two sleeping friends Cookie/ Cordelia and Brandon, Lucas let out a sight he stood up and walked down stair of the house the where staying at and outside to get fresh air.

"Lucas?" Lucas quickly turned to see Brandon he seemed worried "you okay?" Brandon asked placing his hand on Lucas's cheek, "Yeah.. just nightmares.." Lucas said placing his hand on Brandon's.

"Nightmares?.. about what?..." Lucas narrowed his eyes to look away that sent the message to Brandon loud and clear, "oh.. Lucas.. Me and Cordelia well not die nor leave you.." Brandon said softly to the younger boy.

"You and me both know that promise won't stay..." Lucas tear up slightly, Brandon looked at Lucas upset that he didn't believe him.

Brandon then hugged Lucas tightly, he really didn't have a thought of letting go either.

The night went on like this Brandon waking to help Lucas when he woke up from nightmares, It was tiring but you have to do what you have to do.

It happened five more time before Brandon just let Lucas cuddle up to him.

That morning Cordelia woke up to see Lucas and Brandon cuddling,

"awwww" Cookie took control just to do that, Cordelia just smiled at the two getting up and going down stairs letting them sleep longer.

Very short!
The time I'm writing this its 5 am!
I just woke up but meh!
Word count 297
Have a good day y'all!
Peace! ✌

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