His pain and love

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Fandom- Seven deadly sins

Ship- Micheal x Ritchie

Warnings- The sin of Lust not being lust

The days have been going by faster and the nights longer, it had been three to four day since the sins arrived at the demon scale it was surprisingly calm considering all the demons around.

It wasn't just calm it was also quite even the sin of lust was quite and he was never this quite, Micheal looked up to the hill top laying his eyes on the sin of lust who had been sitting up there for the past half hour.

The sin of wrath didn't understand Ritchie half the time and the feelings he had for the sin, "Cap! Your staring at Ritchie again" David slightly yelled snapping Micheal out of his gaze.

"Huh?!" Micheal looked back at David and Brandon a bit fluttered, " I think there's something wrong with you.." Brandon said plainly with a yawn at the end.

"What do you mean?" Micheal asked confused.

"Cap I think your starting to like him" "What?!?! N-no!!" Micheal looked down blushing after the words the David said, "You do!!!" Brandon yelled standing from the place he was seated.

"Shut up!" Micheal said loudly getting slightly mad at the two who where now teasing him.

Micheal had left Brandon and David he was annoyed from the teasing so he went to go see how Ritchie was doing.

Micheal sat next to Ritchie tapping the sin on the shoulder letting him know he was there, "Hey" Ritchie said softly his eyes where closed "you doing okay?" Ritchie looked at Micheal his eyes told a story.

And it wasn't a happy one....

"Micheal.... I don't know what to do anymore...."

"What do you mean Ritchie?"

"All of this...." Micheal could understand a bit what Ritchie was getting too, Micheal placed his hand on Ritchie's softly "I-i dont know what to do anymore" Micheal saw tears forming in the corner of Ritchie's eyes.

Micheal's worry grew to the size of a big rain cloud about to let off a storm, "I-i don't even know why I was chosen for this role...." Tears started to roll down his eye, Micheal stood up infrount of Ritchie hugging him softly kissing his head.

"I'm sorry Ritchie.... I love you"
Short oneshot check! XD
Sorry everyone I'm siiiick ;<;
So I'm mostly gonna get out more oneshots
Word count 412
Have a nice daaaay
Layla Out!

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