Old Coin to New coin

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Fandom- Fairy origins

Ship- none

Warning- A Josh worried about Boat

'I can't believe I let this happen!'

Josh screamed in his head he had let the people of Divas Mejia take Boat, Let alone he couldn't believe Eden just left him there to died! Josh was cursing at himself for everything that happened for god sakes Marshie almost died!!!!

"Hey Josh....." Marshie said quietly she was laying on a bed that Josh was sit on because she had been badly injured Josh quickly looked at her meaning he was listening "Boat will be okay..." she said softly closing her eyes with a small smile she was completely drained of magic.

Josh let of a small chuckle "I really hope your right Marsh..... I really do..."

Josh had come up with an amazing plan he heard news about a new water mage joining Divas Mejia so that must have been Boat, It had to be him there wasn't a dought in his mind it wasn't.

So in order to see Boat Josh was going to sneak onto the island of Divas Mejia to see his old friend, thats may seem crazy but Josh would do anything to see him again.

But that stupid plan had failed horribly as soon as he had set foot onto the island he was captured by a very large man, it was the Viking king Bjorn.

Early the next morning Josh was bought for the ceil he was being held in to the main area he believed was the main guild hall, He saw the one rock wizard that took out Marshie  along with the explosive one, the ice one and the fire girl along with those two guild leaders.

He did catch a small glimpse of Boat thought "So Josh of the Garden why are you here?" the leader of Divas Mejia known to him as Ritchie ask "I'm going to be completely Honest I just came here to see Boat" Josh said plainly Ritchie and Brandon both looked at Boat.

"Hi Josh" Boat said waving slightly at Josh "Hiiiii Booooooat" Josh said smiling at the other, "Awww" Josh heard this form a female voice that he knew belonged to the Leader of the protectors.

Josh knew it without looking that Bri, Micheal and Sliver where all there.

'Oh crist...'

The guild leaders were discussing what to do with Josh, Micheal suggested killing him and Bri suggested putting him in prison for the rest of his life, "Or he can join back" Sliver said out bluntly causing the old guild leaders to look at him.

"Why is that Sliver?"

"Well I don't feel right killing him and even so Josh a d Marshie loved the wondering coins and I feel like that had no choice but to join Eden"

"Sliver does have a point" Micheal said looking at Ritchie and Brandon, "well then that settles it!" Ritchie said with a small smile.

Sliver walked down the steps to the basement area every step giving a loud echoey tap when placed on the flood, Sliver walked oved to the ciel Josh was in "Hey Josh" Sliver said catching the water mage off gaurd making him jump "Relax relax.. it's just me."

Josh stared at Sliver for a good minute or two before speaking up "Why are you here Sliver?" "Bring you back to the coins" Sliver's words hit Josh in his heart making it skip a beat.

Was Silver really giving him a chance..

"No.... I can't... I don't deserve to go back... after everything I did-"

"You where forced" Sliver said eyes starring into Josh's, Josh stayed quiet for a moment trying to think of what to say in that moment Sliver had opened the ciel and held out his hand to Josh.

"Come on Josh, lets go home."

Josh smiled teara building in his eyes as he took Sliver's hand. As he stepped out of the ciel all he could think of was the coins...no....

His Family...
I'm actually very proud of this!
Word count 700
Anyways I don't have alot to say so!
Hope you enjoyed!
And Requests are open again!
^w^ Yaaaay!
Layla Out!

Oneshot Book!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora