Andy's POV
The last bell of the day rings and I mumble "my god, finally." Jonah mumbles "you're telling me." Sam says "yeah, you dorks are annoying." I say "its your choice to hang out with me. I don't make you." Jonah says "one second" going up to his moms desk. He says "I'm going to a friends house. I have no idea when I'll be back." She nods saying "I wanna know all the details when you get back cause I know somethings going on." He says "yeah, I will. K bye." She says "bye" and he walks past me out to the parking lot. I smile and Sam says "someones going to swoop in in the parking lot. Might want to go in, hot shot." I say "oh yeah" in slight realization. I walk out of the classroom mumbling "this is going to be fun" and I walk out of the building. There was a small circle of some random seniors that I've seen around. I mumble "oh I know how this is going to go down." I go to the circle and Jonah is giving them all the 'really?' Look. I chuckle and one of the guys say "no, I want dibs on the pretty one." Another guy says "its Andy's decision, you fools know the rule." I say "I call dibs and you can't have him till I say so. Thats the rule now keep that in your head." Another one of them says "alright, he's all yours then. We're out" and all of them walk away. Jonah says "did you just out us?" I say "nope, they basically think I'm going to use you as my sex slave until I quote on quote get bored. So, no I did not." Jonah says "ok, is my ass that good in these jeans that straight men flirt with me?" I say "yes, it is. You didn't have anything covering it either and its just nice." Jonah says "one more question, what did they mean about rule?" I say "its mostly unspoken of but I basically get first dibs on anyone. Seniors normally get first dibs because cliche everyone wants to date and/or fuck a senior. They let me have first dibs before them for some reason. It worked  this time, the guys normally try and put up a fight then I give up." Jonah says "would you have given up this time?" I say "of course not" pulling him into my side, kissing his temple. He blushes saying "stop it." I say "no" as we walk to my house. I hold his hand loosely and he says "I hope you know your mom being there isn't going to stop me from making out with you." I say "its not stopping me either." Jonah says "good" as I push the door open to the house. I kiss him and he smiles. I press my lips to his harder and he moans quietly, wrapping his arms around my neck. I bite his lip, sucking on it. His eyelids flutter and I put my hands in his back pockets. I gently pull his lip then release it as he rubs his hands over my arms. He looks up at me and I smile, kissing his pretty lips. I say "your lips are pretty" pulling his bottom lip in between my teeth. He mumbles " your siblings are going to here any second and your mom is in the other room. Wanna go say hi to your mom then maybe we can carry on upstairs?" I say "just a few more seconds" kissing him and he tangles his fingers into my hair. I run my fingers over his cheek, one hand still in his back pocket. I squeeze gently and he bites my lips, tugging gently. I hear the door open and Ben says "I knew I'd walk in on this at some point" walking into the main part of the house. Jonah chuckles saying "your sisters going to come in and if she sees us shes going to complain for the rest of your life." I say "true" pecking his lips and walking out of the entryway, Jonah following me. My mom says "what were you doing in the entryway? I heard you get home before Ben." I say "nothing special." Mom says "ok, well you two go upstairs then cause I know thats where you want to be." I chuckle saying "thanks, mom" we go upstairs and I sit against head board. Jonah locks the door and crawls over the bed to sit in my lap. I say "hi baby." Jonah says "hi" pushing his head into the crook of my neck. I chuckle saying "what are you doing?" He says "I'm cuddling you." I run my fingers through his hair saying "ok" running my fingers gently over his body and through his hair. He smiles, kissing my jaw gently. I mumble "you're so pretty, baby." He nuzzles his head into my neck, kissing my neck some more. He shifts in my lap so he's closer to me, hugging me tighter. I mumble "you doing ok, baby?" He mumbles "I think so" kissing me. I say "you don't sound so sure, Jonah. Tell me whats wrong, baby" kissing behind his ear. Jonah says "somethings going to happen but I don't know what. I'm just paranoid." I say "we will wait for it to happen then well figure it out together ok?" He nods, kissing me. He says "I just want to sit like this for the rest of my life. You smell nice, you're a good kisser, I like it when you talk to me, and you have a nice face too. Its an overall win for me." I run my hands over his hips, pulling him closer to me. He kisses me softly and puts his head back in the crook of my neck. I smile saying "you're beautiful" playing with his wavy blonde hair. He says "stop it" blushing. I chuckle saying "no, I like calling you pretty" pulling my fingers through his hair.

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