Andy's POV
I walk out of class, following the kid to my next class. I push him against a locker, hard. He says "ok, ouch. What the hell is your problem with me?!" I say "you pretend you know everything about me but guess what? You don't!" The kid says "you done yet?" Crossing his arms. I say "no, I'm not done yet. I don't like you very much so stay away from me." He says "its kind of hard to do that when we have every class together, you're everywhere, so its kind of hard to stay away from you no matter if I tried or not. It would be easier if you stayed away from me." I push him against the locker and walk off to the other side of the school. I look back and he bites his lip, walking in the other direction. That pissed me off even more than he already does. I follow him and he says "I thought we agreed to stay away from each other but people can never get enough of me I guess." Everyones in classrooms right now and I push him against a locker saying "I've had a enough of you coming in here and stomping all over what I had for a rep!" He says "I'm not taking anything away from you, I mind my business, I stand up for myself like any normal human would do but I think your ego is too big for you to notice that there are people out there that aren't scared of you, even if they're about half a foot shorter than you" looking up at me, crossing his arms. I say "I don't care anymore" walking away. What does he think he's doing?! He says "I'm surprised you gave up" walking to class. I walk in behind him and the new art teacher says "why are you late?" Not looking up from her computer. The kid rolls his eyes saying "I'll tell you later." I say "bathroom" sitting down. The kid sits next to me and the woman walks up to the front of the classroom wearing a tight fitting dress that goes to her knees, high heels, and an over sized cardigan. I feel someone smack my shoulder and I turn around to see Sam and he hands me a note. Our teachers hot. Art is my new favorite subject. I roll my eyes, crumple the note, throwing it at his forehead. He shrugs and I turn back around. One of the guys in the back smack her ass as she walks by, wolf whistling. The new kid stands up, grabbing the guys collar saying "if you touch her again you'll not live to see 18. Got it?" The guy raises an eyebrow saying "is she your girlfriend or something?" The kid say "no, shes my fucking mom and if you touch her again I'm going to kick your ass and you'll not live to see the day that you get to tell that you got beat by a dude half your size. Got it?" The guy nods, going wide eyed. The kid smiles saying "good." He sits down, raising his eyebrow at our teacher. She nods mumbling "I'll be fine" but I didn't catch his name when she said it at the end. Fuck, I'm never going to learn his name at this point. The tall guy from earlier comes in saying "mom, can you sign this?" She says "not right now, ya know what I give up give me that." His eyes widen a little bit, as she takes the paper from his hands, gently. She says "you couldn't of asked me later, Cole" signing the paper. He says "eh it was convenient for me now so I just did it." She rolls her eyes saying "but not very convenient for me, weirdo. Here take it. Now go you kind of actually need to do school this time around" putting her hand on her hip. Cole says "yes mom" ruffling the kids hair. He says "Cole if you touch my hair I will sell your room" smacking him in the face. Cole mumbles "I wanna talk to you later" then he says " don't touch my sexy face then well talk." The kid says "your face isn't sexy. Now go away." Cole says "no." The teacher says "Cole, go the hell away or I'll ground you" giving him a death glare that would make you want to crawl in a hole and die. Cole says "yes, mom" rolling his eyes. She says "don't roll your eyes at me, boy. I'm banishing you now go or you don't get access to the cabinets, I will put a padlock on them." Cole says "ughh fine" walking out of the room. The kid next to me says "that would be punishing us both." She says something in French, rolling her eyes. The kid says something in French really fast then he says "did I say that right?" His mom says 'yes, weirdo." Sam hands me another one that says  she speaks French! I take the note and throw it into the trash can, making it first try. I smile, confidently, crossing my arms in a way that says in your face or fuck you to anything. Sam rolls his eyes, dropping his head onto the desk. I say "hey you good?" The teacher says "dude, get your head off of the desk." He nods saying "mhm" picking his head up.

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