Andy's POV
"Sup douche bags!" Sam says "sup." Seb waves at me, awkwardly even though we've been friends for years. Sam says "who's new kid?" I say "no clue." Sam says "bro, you ain't even looking! He's kinda cute." Seb says "don't go gay on us, Sam." Sam says "you didn't let me finish, asshole. Its cute how he thinks he can walk in here like I'm king of the fucking castle like thinking he's not going to get beat up. You're in New York City not Los Angeles" rolling his eyes over dramatically. That kid is hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is. I take a drag of my cigarette, staring at the new kid. Seb says "I think he's gay." I say "what the hell is your problem with the subject of being gay anyways?" Seb says "don't get so defensive, big man." I lean against the hood of my car, watching this kid walk into the school like everyone is going to cheer for him as soon as he steps onto the rug in front of the entrance door. That kid is going to be so scared of me by the end of the year. I take another drag and this guy that has to be a senior, steps out of the same car as king of the castle guy. He looks like he'd be a quarterback, ladies hanging off of him, never flustered, very smooth, and he's the only guy that I would let take over as "king" of the school. He's deemed fit for the roll. Seb says "w-who's that?" The guy walks over saying "don't get too excited, babe" running his hand over Seb's jaw "its only the beginning, hot stuff" winking and walking into the school. I look at him, raising an eyebrow. He says "I don't even know that guy!" I say "you were clearly into it." Seb says "no I wasn't!" I say "mhm. Sure" rolling my eyes. Sam says "who even are those guys?!" I say "no clue but I'm gonna make the small ones life miserable." Sam says "thats believable" rolling his eyes. I say "stop being a sassy bitch. I'm going in" rolling my eyes. We go in, the guys walking behind me in a triangle. Cliche right? A girl that I don't even remember the name of, latches onto my arm saying "hey sexy." I say "whats up?" She says "you want to come over later? I'm having a party" Tracing her fingers over my neck and shoulder. I say "sure" her saying "maybe a little more?" I say "is it a one time thing or do you expect me to take you on a date and buy you dinner?" She rolls her eyes saying "one time thing. I don't do relationships." I say "well I don't either so sure." She walks over to a circle of squealing girls and Seb says "seriously, Andrew!?" I say "yeah, why not?!" He says "whats your body count?" I mumble "6 going to be 7." He says "I'm friends with a slut great." I say "you'll get over it." Sam mumbles "man whore." I say "shut the hell up. Wanna go to a party later?" as the students part for us to walk through. They nod and we go to our separate classes and I go into English sitting in the front corner near the door. I slouch in my chair and the kid from earlier sits next to me. I lie saying "my friend was going to sit there." The kid turns to me raising an eyebrow saying "I saw both of your friends go to other classes. I'm not as stupid as I look ya know. You clearly aren't interested in talking to anyone in this room except apparently me."I just stare at him, interested in how he thinks and maybe try to intimidate him while I'm at it. He stares back at me and he bites his lip saying "you don't scare me ya know." I say "I wasn't trying to scare you" lying through my teeth. He says "I have an older brother I know what it looks like when someones trying to intimidate me" still staring into my eyes. I say "you're going to be scared of me." He says "keep telling yourself that. You were staring at me like you wanted to fuck me while I called you daddy earlier so, if you say so" as the teacher walks in. I glare at him, denying what he said before through my eyes but he just winks at me then looks forward. How the tables have turned I hate him and he's not scared of me. Thats utterly amazing. Cue big eye roll. I hit my head on the desk and the teacher says "Andy, stop it." I say "no, this guys annoying" pointing at the kid. He says "you're just in denial. Thats fine by me." A couple kids gasp and one mutters "did he just confront him?" People don't stand up to me at school its how it works. Even the teacher is shocked. The kid says "am I missing something? Cause all of you are looking at me like I'm about to get murdered. He's not that scary, guys." I glare at him and a girl mumbles "his ex girlfriends were even scared of him." A guy says "dude, even were scared of him." The kid says "just because I'm not scared doesn't mean you don't have to be. Everyone has different emotions its kind of a thing" putting his foot on the pole thing that connects the legs on the chair, bouncing his leg gently. The teacher says "ok lets get to work." I still don't know his name. Why do I even care? I don't care about names. Maybe he's an exception.

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