Andy's POV
I say "wake up." He shakes his head, burying his head into my neck. I say "come on, babes." He mumbles "no" kissing my neck. I say "we have school and your moms gonna be mad at you and I'm gonna laugh." Jonah says "she won't be too mad hopefully." I say "yeah hopefully" kissing his forehead. He trails his hands over my sides, shuffling closer to me. I get out of bed, pulling my boxers on. Jonah says "come back" pulling the comforter over his shoulders. I say "no" going to my drawers. I pull out some jeans, a tight tee shirt, and my shoes. Jonah says "that shirt makes me want to scratch your back up some more." I smile as his arms wrap around my waist from behind. He bites his lip, tracing his hand over my back and down the nail marks he made on my back. He says "hi." I say "hi, you're very pretty like this but could you get dressed before the twins come scream at us?" He blushes, nodding and I squeeze his ass. He bites his lip saying "stop it." I say "now go" smacking his ass and walking to the door. He bites his lip saying "wait for me. I guess I'm wearing girl jeans to school today." I chuckle saying "I'm not complaining." He says "I know you aren't, weirdo." He goes to my closet and I chuckle saying "what are you doing?" He says "going back in of course" rolling his eyes as he pulls out a black tee shirt. He pulls the shirt on, loosely tucking the shirt in. I smile and he says "remind me to get my other shirt later." I say "you hinting at that you are coming over again?" Jonah says "maybe. Jonah says "I wasn't going to come out at this school but I don't think I care anymore. Plus, everyone's too oblivious to care here I think." I say "once they figure it out they won't stop nagging you, babes." He shrugs saying "and if they do I'll threaten them it's not that hard. I walk like I'm from the Hill's but I'm from Jersey. I walk to get beat up then I teach them a lesson." I say "damn, I guess I don't have to worry about you that much then." Jonah says "you always have to worry about me just a little less now." I say "of course I'm always going to worry about you. You look really cute" pulling him into a hug, playing with his hair. He smiles, pulling away, and kissing me. I say "ok, lets go." I hold his hand and he mumbles "you telling them yet?" I say "no." He says "just making sure" rolling his eyes and laughing. I say "whatever." He flicks my arm and I knock on the twins door. I hear a couple groans and Ben says "go away, Andrew." I say "don't make me get cold water." Chelsea says "no!" I hear her jump out of bed. I chuckle saying "hurry up!" We go downstairs and Jonah says "I'm tired and in pain." I chuckle muttering "I know, baby" loosely holding his hand. He mumbles "you're so nice to me. Why now?" As we sit on the couch, him cuddling into my side. I say "I just liked teasing you and I still do but maybe a little less now" pulling him closer. He says "I like annoying you." I say "I like annoying you too" kissing his forehead. He smiles saying "you smell not good go away then come back." I laugh saying "ok" going upstairs. I put on deodorant and cologne then I go back downstairs. I sit back down and he smiles, moving to sit in my lap. He says "you smell good now" burying his face in the crook of my neck. I chuckle and he kisses me. I smile and he bites my bottom lip. I rub his thighs, squeezing gently. He bites his lip saying "what time is it?" I say "like 7:00." He nods and I say "that means go time." Jonah shrugs saying "woohoo?" I chuckle saying "yeah, Mr. Moose could you let the twins know that its 7:30 and they need to get going?" Mr. Moose says "yes, I will Andrew. He's pretty, seems nice, keep him around. He's not like the others." I smile saying "I plan on it." A few minutes later we get to the school and Jonah immediately walks in front of me, hips swaying as usual. I bite my lip, shaking my head. I stand against Sebs car with him and Sam. Seb says "so?" I say "so what?" Pulling a cigarette out of my front pocket, lighting it, and taking a drag. Seb says "only the girls friends forgot what happened." Damnit, Andy. Great job. I say "how do you know that?" Sam says "had the girls ask them if they remember anything." I roll my eyes saying "great." Sam says "mhmm, is he still wearing girl jeans?" I say "mhm" taking a drag. Sam says "damn he knows how to do it." I say "aye, you can't have him." Sam says "he's going to have guys all over him so you might want to watch out for him." I say "he can take care of himself." Seb says "he's 5'6"! He's going to get seduced or something!" I say "not when I'm around he's not" stomping out my cigarette. Seb says "you might want to get in there then, hot shot" hitting my shoulder. I smack him in the head, walking in to the school. I immediately get latched onto by girls and Jonah turns around to look at me, biting his lip. Damn. I ignore the girls and they eventually walk away. I bite my lip, walking slightly behind him. Jonah looks at me, smiling. I bite my lip and he walks into homeroom, me following him.

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