Andy's POV
I start to walk out of the school and someone grabs my arm. I look over and its Rachael. I say "hey." She says "sup." I say "wanna come over?" Winking at her. She says "gross no" making a face. I laugh saying "that was the best part of my day." She says "suffer, asshole." I roll my eyes and she says "hows the gay life treating you?" I laugh saying "still coming to terms with it." She nods saying "nice." I say "mhm. If I find men making out in the parking lot and one of them is Sebastian I might hit them." Rachael laughs saying "I saw him limping today it was funny." I laugh saying "Sam is still oblivious." She says "that dude has to open his eyes." I say "mhm." Jonah walks over saying "when the hell did you guys start hanging out?!" She says "yesterday, short stack." Jonah says "I'm short I get it! You fucking tree!" Rachael laughs saying "I got dads genes and so did Cole" laughing. I say "you're cute and tiny. It suits you." He glares at me, then looks away, blushing. Rachael says "Andy is the giant." I say "yes, I'm over 6 feet get over it." Jonah says "you're a tree." I roll my eyes saying "sure." I see Seb and Cole making out against Coles car. Rachael covers Jonahs eyes and I say "get a room!" They aren't out yet but they somehow do this without getting caught. Seb says "no!" Rachael says "there are young eyes!" Cole says "he's 16! It doesn't matter." Jonah says "I cant see." I say "well no shit." Jonah says "shut up." I laugh and Rachael uncovers his eyes and Jonah says "Cole, I wanna go home now hurry your ass up before I kick your ass." I say "you kick his ass?" Cole says "legit. He will. Ok bye" kissing Seb and he walks back towards the school. Everyone leaves except Seb and I. Seb says "you so like him." I say "no I don't. You like his brother." Seb says "yeah, I know that. He's sexy I'm fabulous it works." I chuckle saying "k, buddy." He says "don't k buddy me. You know its true." I laugh saying "ok." Seb says "who was the girl with you earlier?" I say "Rachael, shes your boy toys little sister." Seb says "shes your boy toys sister too." I say "he's not my boy toy." Seb says "yet." I say "are you always this difficult?" He says "we've been friends forever by now thats a rhetorical question." I say "fuck off" laughing. Seb says "I'm hungry. You wanna come over?" I say "what do those have to do with each other?" Seb says "come make me food." I chuckle saying "fine." I like cooking I just don't do it very often. We walk to his house and his mom says "have you gotten taller, Andrew?" I say "I don't think so." She laughs and says "I made cookies and they're in the freezer if you want them." Seb says "thanks mom." We go to his room and he flops onto the bed. I flop on top of him and he says "owww why me?" I say "it didn't hurt that bad, weakling" rolling over next to him. Seb rolls his eyes saying "whatever, so how'd. You met Rachael?" I say "we were about to fuck then we were both like I'm gay and now were friends." Seb chuckles saying "love that." I say "yeah, it was interesting." Seb says "go make me food." I say "you have to come with me." Seb says "no I don't." I say "then you aren't getting food I guess." He says "fine." We both get up, going to the kitchen. I say "what do you want?" Seb says "Mac and cheese." I chuckle saying "ok." I grab a couple boxes of Mac and cheese and boil some water. Seb says "2? Thats a lot." I say "not when I'm having some too." Seb says "stop eating my fooodddd." I say "no, I'm gonna eat all your food." Seb says "no!" I laugh saying "yes." Seb says "not my Mac and cheese!" I say "I'll buy you more if it's necessary." Seb says "fine." I say "fine" pouring the noodles into the boiling water. Seb says "foooooddd." I sat "you're like Grover in the Percy Jackson books." Seb rolls his eyes and I say "I'm sweaty." Seb says "step away from the boiling water then." I roll my eyes saying "let me make the Mac and cheese how I want." Seb says "no, I'm hungry." I say "hi hungry I'm Andy" rolling my eyes. I strain the pasta and Seb says "hungry, hungry, hungry." I say "be patient" as I mix everything in. I say "get bowls, spoons, and napkins." Seb says "fine" jumping off the counter, doing as I said. I get the bowls and fill them up, doing my best to not spill any Mac and cheese on the counter or anywhere else. Seb says "finally." I grab my bowl and he says "thank you, my lord and savior." I roll my eyes saying "I am Jesus!" Seb says "I wouldn't go that far" rolling his eyes as he eats. I say "did I do it right?" Seb says "yeah, you did it right. This is good." I say "thank you, Andy you're the best. You're welcome, Seb I know I'm the best" mockingly. Seb rolls his eyes saying "thank you, Andrew." I roll my eyes saying "you're welcome, Sebastian."

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