Andy's POV
I don't like him. He's so cute though! Ugh I hate this. I walk in that girls house thats having the party, unbuttoning the top 2 buttons of my shirt. The party's already in full swing and I hear a few wold whistles and yells when I walk in. People are already drunk great. I smirk and 3 girls start following me around as soon as I walk past them. I crab a solo cup filled with vodka, chugging it. A girl slurs "god you're so sexy" trailing her hand over my arm. I say "so are you" questioning how much of a lie that was. Eh, I don't care, chugging another glass of vodka. I go to the dance floor area and the girls follow me, one grinding against me. Why am I not as into this as I would've been last week? This is making me uncomfortable. She mumbles "you aren't into it." I say "I totally am, sexy. Take me to a room" pulling gently at her hair. She bites her lip, pulling me upstairs with her. She pushes me on the bed, grinding against me slowly. I say "ok, I cant do this." She says "me too. I'm uncomfortable." I say "me too" as she lays next to me. She says "I'm trying to impress my parents and pretend I'm straight but it isn't working out. Even though both of my brother are out, it still scares me. I'm Rachael" in one breath. I say "Andy, I think I'm not straight and it terrifies me" in one breath. She says "am I the first one you told?" Leaning her head on my chest. I mutter "I think so." She says "its easier to tell a stranger. I'm proud of you though." I mumble "thanks. What am I going to do?" She says "well it would ruin my rep if I came out but it wouldn't do anything to yours because everyone is your best friend or they're crushing on you." I say "you're my new best friend. I like you." She says "people will think were dating but I'm down." I chuckle sating "your hair is soft." She says "thanks. Who changed it for you? Ya know sexuality wise?" I say "I don't know his name." She says "of course you do! Is he cute!" I say "I don't though!" She raises an eyebrow then says "you're so oblivious when it comes to names sometimes." I say "whoever's room this is its really cool." She says "thanks. I decorated it myself." I say "this is your room? Its really cook." She smiles saying "thanks. My brothers room is trash then my other brothers room is like neat freak clean, and mine is well in between like me." I say "you a middle child?" She says "yeah, they're a little crazy but thats ok." I chuckle saying "nice." She says "Cole and Jonah act like they belong in an asylum at home but at school they're a different story." I say "seems exciting" chuckling. She says "mhm." Then theres a knock on the door. Theres a guy behind it saying "Rachael, if you did this without telling me I will kick your ass!" She says "go away Cole! I don't want to deal with you right now!" He says "whatever!" Walking away. She laughs saying "he is so drunk. Drunk Cole is funny when he's in a good mood before he drinks." I say "aren't most?" We laugh and she says "my younger brother is even flirtier and sassier when he's drunk than sober and its overwhelming when he's sober." We laugh and I say "oh it cant be that bad." She says "if you've grown up with him its bearable but if you haven't its not that fun for you if he can tell he's annoying you." I chuckle saying "hmm. Sounds great." She laughs, rolling her eyes. She says "oh yeah it is." We laugh and I say "I don't even know why I came here." She says "because everyone wants you here." I say "its not like I'm the party guy. I come here to have sex and drink but now that I don't feel drunk and I'm not having sex with anyone right now so why am I here?" She says "you didn't figure it out until you got here and you drank some vodka I think you killed it." I chuckle saying "sure." She says "thats my kind of party right there." I say "drinking vodka with a bunch of girls around you?" She says "man, I wish." I say "I don't think your reputation would be ruined. I haven't seen you around before how long have you been here?" She says "since this morning." I say "people already love you so I don't think it would matter too much if you came out." She says "maybe. You're cool I like you." I say "thanks you too?" She says "you're so weird " laughing. I say "whoops?" She says "lets go back downstairs." I say "ok" standing up. She says "why are we like this?" I say "like what?" She laughs saying "I don't know!" I laugh saying "thats ok" as we walk down the stairs. She says "I'm gonna kick everyone out except a few people. I might need help." I chuckle saying "ok." She stands on the kitchen counter, turning off the music yelling "EVERYONE OUT MY PARENTS WILL BE HERE IN 5 MINUTES! EXCEPT A FEW YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!" Everyone leaves except a group of girls and the kid that I see everywhere and Cole. The kid says "Rachel, how are we going to clean this up "before mom and dad get home?"" She says "I didn't want to deal with anymore people, asshole." He rolls his eyes and he mutters "something in French. She glares at him saying "dont call me a whore in French. If you're going to do it do it in English" rolling her eyes. Cole says "you were the one who did this and didn't tell us but whatever." She says "I don't care. We're going to clean then were going to hang out."

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