wesleepwedream. (cole x jay)

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"I just lost someone. My father should be sad, or angry! But he's just- he's..."


"He spends all his time with his group singing and dancing. He's never home! Leaving all the chores for me. With her gone, I guess it's up to me to be the responsible one. He acts like nothing's happened. How could he sing and dance at a time like this?"

"Grief takes many shapes and forms. Some sing and dance. And some climb mountains."

"Why did you climb the mountain?"

"To find you, Cole."

Wu had found him at the top of the mountain he'd been climbing about a week ago, and had brought him to the monastery at the top of another mountain. He's been living here since then, training under the guidance of Wu.

He finds himself thinking back to that moment, and what Wu told him. He'd been pushing his limits, testing to see how far he could go, how hard he could push himself to achieve something. He hadn't been aware at the time, that by doing so it made him just like his father.

They both were grieving the loss of his mother, he knew. But he didn't know that they were both choosing to deal with it in similar ways. Wu helped him realize that they were both coping, by doing what they were doing. Cole was climbing mountains and his father was singing and dancing.

Well, they were both climbing their own figurative mountains now.

Cole was cleaning up the monastery, as Wu had instructed him to do before he left a couple hours earlier. He'd given him a list of things to do, and Cole was sure this was the last one. Although he felt like he'd forgotten one.

When Cole asked where he'd be going, Wu told him that he was leaving to "find someone." Vague as ever.

He should be arriving soon though. It was around noon, the time Wu said he'd be back by, so the wait wouldn't last for much longer.

As Cole was storing away the cleaning supplies, he heard the gates of the monastery opening. Meaning that Wu was here, and had brought this mysterious person he'd gone to find.

Cole quickly finished putting away the supplies, shoving them unceremoniously into the storage closet. He winced at the cluttering sound it made, knowing that it probably made a huge mess, but decided he'd leave that for another time as he rushed over towards the entrance.

He slowed down at the door, peering around furtively, so as not to be seen before he sees who Wu brought.

Cole had a lot of time to try and think of who he could possibly be bringing back with him. He gone through multiple possibilities, of how they'd look like, how'd they act like. But seeing them now, it looked like he was way off with his predictions.

He was a small, skinny boy, with ginger colored hair. He looked to be younger than Cole, but still teenaged. Could he be one of the people that Wu had told him would be training alongside him?

"You can come out, Cole," Wu called out to him, startling him. How had he seen him from all the way over there?!

Cole walked over to them both. He bowed his head in greeting. The boy did as well.

"Cole, this is your new partner: Jay. Jay, you will be working alongside Cole. I'll leave you two to get to know each other. Cole, show Jay around the monastery. I'll be leaving once more. I'll return soon."

"Going to bring another friend?" Cole asked.

"We'll see," Wu replied, vaguely, as usual. He turned to slowly walk away, leaving Cole to close the gates behind him.

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