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They were all running around like maniacs. We had split into two groups, the vicktor proves a point and we do the thing they want. one team only wants to use hand coming out of the gorund to fit in with our Quirk while not exposing us to having to tell a stupid lie, the other wants to go full out, ghosts and all.

Naturally, I was on the team that didn't risk getting me killed... again. Yuko, Tensei, Ake, Emi and Miya were all on my side. Isao, Sumi, Alva and Rei were all fighting against us. They stood no chance but they did put up a good fight. Because, despite being outnumbered they were some of our best fighters only bested by Miya and me. We were watching from the side, preferring to watch Yuko, Tensei, Ake and Emi try to fight alone. It was most interesting and made for good research.

At this point, each of the members against us had chosen someone to pick on but my team was working as a team to hit the other. Sumi was trying her best to attack Ake, as he was the youngest-mentally and physically- and so was more serpetital to her Quirk. Rei chose Yuko to go against as she was the only other person who could get high enough for Yuko's flying to be ineffective. Alva went against Tensei as he could block Tensei's path. That left Emi to Isao, which wasn't a great match but not the worst possible.

While they were being targeted, that didn't stop my team from attacking every target as a team. They used my communication system to shout at each other without the others knowing. It was quite fun to listen to.

Yuko dodged Rei's attack before attacking Isao, hitting him in the said and letting Emi stop Sumi. As Ake was free, he ran away from the scary ghost and pinned down Rei, the only person he could physically restrain. Alva quickly turned around the push off Rei but was stopped and held up by Emi. Yuko finally got a chance to stop her sister, claiming the victory for us.

I clapped, hopping down from my perch. "Good job, that means we are only using dismembered limbs."

"I guess it won't be that bad," Alva said while rubbing his aching neck. "Not going to listen to you, but still."

"But I wanted to haunt the living lives out of these people! That is the literal point of my Quirk!" Sumi collapsed in annoyance while Yuko rolled her eyes.

"Come on, we should get going, if we don't the heroes will be knocking at the door thinking Izu was dead," Emi said, grabbing Miya and 'fading' showing that she was returning to being a ghost. The others did as well before letting me leave. The others were sad that they couldn't do a proper haunting like they wanted to but either way we still will be the scariest group there is!

Once we had cooked and eaten we went off for the bravery test. I had asked to go alone, as someone had to, and was allowed to go into the forest to scare the living daylights of my classmates. I turned into my small form and pulled up my scythe. I already told them what I wanted as we were ready to go.

It was quite fun. Miya gave me an early warning at the people coming and Sumi told what their greatest fear was and how I could scare them.

"Don't worry about this. Nothing is going to stop us," a student said, I recognised him as one from Class B, Kosei, or something like that.

"I'm not so sure," the other boy said. I did recognise him and Niregeki, who was the short one from the sports festival.

I almost felt bad. "Hello, Misters? Please, I'm lost. Can you help me?" I let my voice return to the one I had as a child, I was surrounded by trees and had Alva in my arms like a toy. It was a compromise as Alva kept threatening to just climb out my head anyway. He can be really stubborn sometimes. And Alva had already been seen at the Sports Festival, along with Emi but most just assumed they were more complicated forms my blood could take and not what they really were.

"Oh, hello? Kota, right?" Nirengeki walked towards me but I took a step back.

"No. Have you seen my mommy? Daddy was mad at her. Daddy was mad at me. Don't let Daddy find me." I kept stepping backwards, retreating into the shadows.

The two students shared a look before kneeling in front of me. "It's okay, we can help you."

"Are you sure?"

Nirengeki nodded, holding out his hand for me to take.

I slowly reached out, I could hear their gasps as they looked at my bloody hand. "Are you really sure? You'll protect me from Daddy?" I stepped out, showing my true, bloody form as they screamed and quickly ran away. It is fun scaring people when you have a whole in your head.

As the hour went on, it was fun. For the member of my class, I took a silently different approach, having bloody head screaming bloody murder and pleas for help. I got told off by Tensei who said 'you're only meant to be scaring them, not traumatising them' and forced me to go down a knock. it's probably a very good thing that we didn't let Sumi run the show. Traumatising villains and traumatising students are very different things.

Todoroki and Kacchan were the funnest. I ignored Tensei's pleas and went full out- or as full out as I could go with Todoroki there too. It wouldn't be so bad if I could play with Kacchan but I had to be careful with Todoroki there. I ended up starting off the same as I usually did, but when Kacchan called my bluff I simply giggled. Then everyone joined in and crawled out of the ground. Calling for Kacchan and Todoroki.

"Deku! Call them off!" Kacchan didn't like the bodies, he knew the origins behind them.

"I don't control them Kacchan." That had been enough to make them run out of there.

It was a lot of fun, that was until the smoke came. I had been poisoned enough times to recognise it when I tasted it. Someone was here, we had to get out before problems arose. I was not dying for a fourth time.

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