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Swaying, I moved from side to side, not liking standing still under Kirishima's stare.

Kirishima had not said anything since we had arrived. He didn't want to talk with the others watching but now we had arrived in our disused form room he wasn't talking either.

Isao was glaring back at Kirishima from my side, practically growling. "What do you think he wants?"

"Do you think he hates us? What if All Might taught him his ideals and Kirishima is going to act the same as he did to Fufu?" Ake hid behind me, shaking violently.

"Will you two calm down, it's not as if he is going to kill us," Sumi said from the floor, having gotten very bored a long time ago. "It's not as if we can die."

"He might, he is All Might's successor," Rei spat, glaring daggers into Kirishima.

"Enough!" Miya karate chopped Rei on the top of her head before rubbing her eyes. "I know you two-" she pointed at Rei and I- "have your problems with All Might but he would never intentionally hurt an innocent or train someone else to."

Rei mumbled something under her voice which I did not catch but sounded along the lines of 'you don't know that' and 'Fufu was innocent.'

"I am sure Kirishima has got his reasons for asking us here!" Tensei stood up straight while practically yelling his statement.

"Yeah, besides, it does us no good to stand here and shout at each other." Yuko was standing by Tensei's side saying her words calmly and clearly.

They're almost like copies of each other.

"We'll see about that, I have gotten out of many arguments by shouting at the others until they give up and just leave me be," Alva shouted proudly from my shoulder.

"Why am I not surprised," Emi muttered with a small laugh.

"Kirishima? I'm getting really bored, is there a reason why we are here?" I swayed, rolling on the balls of my feet.

"Why do you hate All Might?" I froze, no longer swaying at the bluntness of his question.

"You can't complain, you asked," Alva stated, with a smirk plaguing his face.

"I don't hate All Might," I sang simply, rolling the word hate. Kirishima raised his eyebrow at my statement. "I don't hate All Might. I hate what he stands for and what he did."

"What did he do?" Kirishima seemed intrigued by my constant reference to an event no one else knew of.

"He made a bad choice that led to the death of a good friend of mine," I said vaguely.

"He's a good hero but he is still human. If your friend ended up in a villain fight, I am sure he tried to help," Kirishima said confidently.

"If that was true, I would not be angry with him," I said simply.

"When what happened?" Kirishima looked confused as I sighed.

I sat down on the floor, pulling my legs up to my chest and hugging my legs. Rei joined me along with Emi. Miya and Isao took semi protective stances in front of us. "I had a close friend, Fufu. We grew up side by side, she was one of my closest classmates, if you could call her that, it's a bit more complicated but nevertheless. She had a sister, Mel, the two were ever so close. But as Mel grew up, she gained more and more problems. She became recluded and distant."

Kirishima sat down in front of me, crossing his legs. "Why did she become distant?"

"Because Fufu died. She was killed in a school shooting, one that traumatised Mel. Mel lived in fear, many claimed that she was a villain because of her quirk, but she wanted to become a hero. She wanted to protect people who could not protect themselves, people like Fufu. But when she met All Might she asked him, could she become a hero even if she had a villainous quirk? That is when All Might made his mistake. He told her no. He said that she shouldn't bother trying to become a hero."

Kirishima paled.

"She couldn't take it, everything came down on her, all at once. The trauma, bullying, soul crushing. It all became too much. I arrived on the roof, as she fell off."

The room became deadly quiet. The silence was very uncomfortable.

Kirishima kept opening and closing his mouth, unsure of what to say. "She killed herself... because of what All Might said..."

"Not technically, because the words were a final push. A final acceptance that things will never be any difference. When All Might, the greatest hero of the new age, tells you, you should give up. You give up."

Rei let off a small whimper, not liking the way we were talking about the event. Sumi quickly brought Rei into a hug, almost like she was protecting the younger ghost. Ake attaching himself to me.

"Does... does All Might know? Does he know that's why you hate him?"

I shock my head sadly. "We've never really talked. I once found him during an interview and screamed at him, saying it was his fault they were gone. I think he just assumed that my friend had died in a villain attack and nothing more."

"You could tell him," Kirishima suggested as I shook my head.

"I can not. I will not. He will not understand. He lives in a world that does not exist here. Away from normal people," I spat harshly.

"But, he might understand," Kirishima said back with a shy smile.

I only sighed and stood up. "I don't think he will, and I would prefer to not find out." I walked to my desk sitting down, laying my head in my arms. "The class is coming. I suggest you sit down."

Todoroki was one of the first in. He attempted to talk to me but I chose to ignore him. I couldn't focus. Was Kirishima right? Would he listen?

"Shitty hair! What did you do to Deku?!" Kacchan attacked Kirishima for upsetting me, screaming all the while.

I vaguely heard that the class was planning to go on a shopping trip but I decided I wouldn't go. I was on duty anyway.

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