Battle Dome

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It was too early, Aizawa had dragged us out of bed and dragged us to the opening. He made Kacchan throw a ball to see how much he had improved, which was minimal and now he was telling us how we were going to train.

Kacchan was going to create large explosions using boiling water to open his pours while Todoroki was meant to keep a bath of water at a constant temperature by switching between fire and ice. Iida was going to be running around and Tsu was going to climb up a cliff wall with her tongue. Kirishima was going to fight Ojiro and Hagakure was going to hide from Shoji. Both Mina and Jiro were going to attack a wall and Sato and Yao-momo would be eating while using their quirks. Uraraka was a giant ball that looked like a hamster ball that she was meant to levitate and stay in while Sero will be launching his tape off the side of a cliff. Aoyama will shoot his laser off the cliff side while Tokoyami will try to control the dark shadow inside a dark cave. Koda will be doing voice exercises as Kaminari will use his quirk from the top of the cliff. Lastly, I was going to summon and try to control as many blood figures as possible. But I wasn't going to do that.

"And why not?" Aizawa was not happy, Kacchan told me to back down but I only smiled sweetly.

"Because I can call and control up to 50 blood portals before struggling and there is no point me doing that as I do not have use of 50. It would be more difficult to do a full summon and fight. Besides, if I do that, Alva and Sumi will get bored and probably will walk off which never ends well," I explained as Sumi and Alva protested.

Aizawa raised his eyebrow at what I said as Kacchan rolled his eyes. "Full summon?"

"As I explained during the sports festival, sometimes it's better to hide a part of your quirk and keep an Alva up your sleeve," I sang while pulling at the hem of my sleeve.

Aizawa shook his head before grumbling something under his breath that sounded an awful lot like 'one day I'll find out what your Quirk is.'

I smiled widely, swaying from side to side. "You can try but as I don't know myself, if you ever work it out mind telling me." I walked away, going into a secluded section of the forest. Once checking that no one was nearby I opened a large portal. My squad came out but Miya stopped Tensei from joining. Even if Iida was doing other stuff, seeing your dead brother kind of grabs your attention. "Alright, we'll split into three teams and do a usual capture of the target training style."

I threw small sensors at each of the ghosts, everyone had three that they had to put on a different part of their body. "We'll draw names randomly and the team that does the worst has to do duty tonight," I sang as Alva cheered from my shoulder. "Tensei, you'll watch over us, I don't want anyone to find out that you are here, they are not ready to learn the truth."

Tensei nodded and walked to the edge, I then lifted the ground up and created a huge arena. There were stone ropes swinging from the roof and different rock stacks to stand and jump on.

"Let's get started, who wants to be leaders?" Miya, Sumi and Alva raised their hands as I rolled my eyes, they always were team leaders. "Isao, Yuko and Ake, you three can be team leaders."

I smirked when their eyes widened. I wanted to mix everything up so I put Miya and Alva under Isao's command, Emi and Rei under Yuko's command and then had Sumi and I under Ake's command.

At first, they struggled to control the teams, having never taken on a leadership role but It didn't take long for Ake to get the hang of it. Yuko managed next and Isao did not at all. By the end of the day, Isao's team was on duty and taking the very long walk to the city to get the quota.

I walked back to the camp, not minding Aizawa's glare and questions, choosing instead to go to Todoroki and Kacchan. "Evening."

I laughed when Todoroki jumped and Kacchan rolled his eyes. "Eh, Deku? The teacher said you made some walls they can't tear down, what gives?"

"Well, we can't have breathers walk in on us, what happens if they stop breathing?" I laughed when I saw some of the Class 1-B students pale but most of my class had learnt to not question when I say things like that. "Besides, I don't think they're ready yet, Kacchan."

Kacchan was the only one who knew everything about my quirk, mainly as I accidently let it slip one day but either way it did not end well and almost lost him. Now he has gotten over it but I know it still hangs over him.

"Ready?" I smiled up at Todoroki before walking off. Kacchan shook his head and continued what he was doing.

I joined my team and started cooking. It wasn't too hard to cook and Emi directed me. It wasn't so bad to eat either but a few seemed to make some questionable batches. I listened half heartedly to the conversation going on around me but didn't pay that much attention. Jiro beating up Sero was funny though. Served him right for insulting Yao-momo.

The people who had lost the final exam had to go to extra lessons, I never did understand how they failed those. I had been teamed up with Kacchan and we found it easy to beat All Might. I simply gave Isao the handcuffs and dropped some blood under All Might, so before he knew it Isao had got him in handcuffs.

Kacchan had been a little upset that he couldn't fight All Might properly but didn't mind as he passed.

Sighing, I went to bed, spotting Isao coming back looking exhausted. "Next time, we get holiday time."

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