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"Midoriya?! You can see me?! You can actually see me! No one else can see me! Then this skeleton just starts dragging me here! What is going on!"

At first I didn't know what to say as I watched Tokyami pace around the room but when a familiar skeleton head popped through the door I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "Well, this is going to be a long conversation. Tokoyami, meet Alva. Alva you have already met Tokoyami."

"Who is the bird?" Kibe pulled at my shirt, eyeing Tokoyami fearfully.

"Oh, right. Kebi, this is Tokoyami, a friend from school. The skeleton is Alva, he is a friend of mine." I gently moved in the chair to get in a more comfortable position. I laughed a little at the cold hands pulling themselves up my leg as Kebi sat on my lap. He laid his head against my chest. "Where are the others? There should be two twins, a person who looks like Iida but older, two girls who look like me, a teen in a school uniform and a child who looks like glass. You might have found Rei too, but she would be rarer as she often goes missing."

Tokoyami gave me a weird look, like he wasn't sure what to say. He looked like he didn't quite believe how I was reacting. "You are not shocked that people cannot see me?"

"Not in the slightest. It's a little miracle you can see me to begin with but when you are like me, you don't have a chance of someone else spotting you. In a couple of hundred years someone else will be able to see you but not right now. I'm the only one," I sang while swinging my legs.

"Why can't they see me?" Tokoyami approached me, almost as if I was a ghost... well I kind of am a ghost but that is not the point.

"Because you are now like them." I tilted my head to point at Kibe and Alva, the ghosts in the room. "Tokoyami, you are dead now. You're like them."

Tokoyami opened and closed his mouth, a little like a fish out of water. Tokoyami started the all fun routine of denial. First he started pacing, saying how it was not possible, how he couldn't be dead. Then he became angry, shouting towards the walls and saying how it wasn't funny. Calling out the class to take the credit. Then he tried to buy me into telling him who was doing this before finally slumping down at my side.

"You alright, Tokoyami?"

"No," he snapped back. His eyes seemed to darken and tire. I had seen it a few times before but now it felt worse, this wasn't a random person, this was my friend.

"I am sorry Tokoyami. I could have helped you, if Jeff hadn't stopped me, you might not have died," I whispered. I didn't want him to feel bad.

"It's fine, you tried. You're the one who made the map, aren't you? The one Aizawa was holding." Tokoyami looked at me, a dark aura around him.

"I could have done more," I said simply.

"Don't say that, we can't have our little reaper so sad." Alva jumped onto my shoulder, giggling a bit as he hugged my face.


"Yeah, that's why I can see you. I'm a reaper. It is an ability gained ever so often, I'm the only one alive of my kind," I explained with a sad smile, looking down at Kibe who held onto me.

"What about the others? There must be more?" Tokoyami looked at me hopingly.

"Not alive, a few reapers are still roaming around doing their job but even they get to rest after a while. Every reaper has a quota, a number of souls they have to collect before they can sleep. The number carries them on until the next comes around. I am the next, Jeff is my mentor. I have no predecessor, they died before they came into their power. Jeff took over to carry over the souls until I came. Now, he is training me up. Him and two others of course. That is all of my 'kind', a demon and two reapers," I explained sadly. "I don't really know the others."

Tokoyami watched me, not sure what to say.

"But that does not matter. I have my ghosts, and they aren't going to leave my side."

Alva laughed, jumping onto my head and curling into the messy mop like a nest.

"Starting a party without us?" Sumi hopped into the room, laughing all the way.

Emi and Miya came to my side, sitting on the other side of my chair. Ake instantly hid under it, giggling a little at Tokoyami's shocked face. Yuko and Sumi sat side by side in front of us and Isao collapsed beside Tokoyami, patting his shoulder. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"Ain't he a cutie, what's your name little one?" Sumi pushed a lock of hair out of Kibe's face who giggled sweetly.

"Kibe, are you here to help me home?"

"Yeah, kiddo. We'll take you home," Sumi answered before sitting back with her sister.

"Who are they? I can guess those two are the twins but I don't know their names," Tokoyami asked me, pointing at Sumi and Yuko.

"Well, the teen beside you is Isao, the one below the chair is Ake, those two idiots are Yuko and Sumi, then these two are my sisters, Miya and Emi. Oh, and that's Tensei, Iida's brother. Fastest of us, our runner," I joked with a happy smile.

"Why is Iida's brother here?" Tokoyami eyed up Tensei with suspicion.

"Because he wants to help Iida." I paused, watching Tokoyami's look of disbelief. "These are my ghosts, my squad, my friends," I said fondly. "Wait, where's Rei?"

The ghosts looked away from me as I raised my eyebrow.

"She disappeared again, didn't she?" I sighed, shaking my head slightly. She always was running off but this was probably the worst time to disappear.

The group nodded sadly. I wonder where she goes every time.

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