Don't kill the Dead

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Chaos surrounded the area quickly. Recovery girl ran up to the dying child as Present Mic tried his best to keep Aizawa alive.

The few students who had witnessed the event, being Todoroki, Tsu, Mineta, Bakugo and Kirishima, all stood in a shocked silence. They wondered about what had just happened, about what Midoriya had said and done. It was unlike the teen they knew in lessons, like a different side of him. A side they couldn’t say they liked.

Looking around they noticed Recovery girl had her fingertips to the teen’s throat, saddened demeanour on her face as she shook her head. No breath, no pulse, cold as ice.

Midoriya was dead.

She quickly turned her attention away from the hopeless child and to the dying hero. It didn’t take long for her to get Aizawa’s heart working again at a steady rate and stop the bleeding.

“Midoriya?” Aizawa called out, his voice horse and broken.

“Not now Aizawa, you can worry about your students later.” Recovery girl scolded him as Aizawa tried to get up. “No you can’t move!”

Aizawa ignored her as he stumbled over to the teen’s cold, dead, lifeless body.

“I’m sorry Aizawa, but right now you need to recover yourself. You can regret over dead students later.” Present mic said while kneeling at Aizawa’s side.

“He’s not dead!” Aizawa screamed loudly, refusing to let go.

“He’s colder than ice, there is no way he’s alive.” Present Mic growled attempting to take Aizawa away.

“No, Jeff said he’s always been like that! He said he will always be like that! He’s not dead!” Aizawa screamed, confusing everyone around him.

“Jeff? Who’s Jeff?” Present Mic asked.

“Jeff the level above, he said Midoriya was alive- well as alive as his student would be, he’s not dead.”

Deciding Aizawa had just gone crazy, Recovery girl attempted to remove the dead body. “I’m going to take him to recovery,” She lied while walking away, motioning for Present Mic to follow, carrying Aizawa.

It’s been three days since those events. Aizawa is still adamant that Midoriya will wake up and is often found talking to thin air asking nothing to help him and prove that he wasn’t dreaming.

But nothing happened. Soon he would give up and accept the fact he was gone.

All the while, U.A was under huge pressure from the media to explain what happened. A funeral was yet to be held for the small teen who lied in the morgue.

Ms. Mordiya had yet to ask to see the body, but soon they would have to do something or it would be worse.

The date was set and despite both Aizawa’s and Ms. Midoriya’s protests, it went ahead.

The hall was full of different people, everyone from class 1-A came to say goodbye along with the many heroes who taught him.

His body was to be burnt as the last words were said.

“Wait!” Everyone stopped to Bakugou’s scream. The explosion boy came in with four others, two being his parents and two being unknown. “You can’t do this!”

Midnight got up sadly, the boy had been in denial for the entire time, but they didn’t think he would try and stop the funeral.

“Bakugou, that’s enough. He’s gone, there is nothing you can do about it.” Nezu stated clearly.

“No! That’s what we thought last time! He is alive!” Bakugou shouted, causing the teachers to look at him in confusion. Last time?

“Just cremate him, before someone else goes into denial.” Midnight ordered.

The casket moved slowly into the fire, burning the top.

The blood curdling scream that came next silence every and any noise in the room. In a second the casket let out a stream of fragantic pounds against the wood. Midoriya was trying to get out. He was alive.

They weren’t crazy!

“Help!” Midoriya screamed, his voice going horse as the casket continued to move into the fire.

Before anyone could think the younger of the two unknown people who came with Bakugo charged forward to try and get out the screaming teen.

He attempted to open the death box but was failing dramatically.

At this point, the priest running the service had also come alive and was trying to put the track in verse. Unfortunately, that is not how it was designed to work.

Midoriya was going to burn alive.


Black veins filled the room, putting out every fire that was lit on every candle. In the middle of it, a girl sat in what was left of the casket, hugging the small four-ish year old tightly.

Where did they come from?

“Izuku!” Ms. Midoriya screamed, running to her child and taking him from the girl who returned to normal. Her hair, that had been the veins, shortened and turned green again.

It was her, the girl from the lake… what was her name?

“WHO TRIED TO BURN ME ALIVE!” Midoriya screamed loudly, panic in his voice mixing with the sobbs that racked his body.

“It’s okay, it's over.” Ms. Midoriya soothed quietly. “It’s okay, you’re alright.”

Everyone was quiet as they fought over what was happening, he was alive. Somehow he was alive.

“I told you I wasn’t crazy.” Aizawa growled out while glaring at Present Mic, who had been adamant that Aizawa had hallucinated.

“I didn’t say that! I just said it was denial.” Mic snapped back causing Aizawa to roll his eyes.

“I see no difference,” he mumbled before turning his attention back to the child in front of him. “So are you going to tell us what is going on?”

Midoriya hid his face into his mother's chest, crying harder. “I-i’m not going… going to be expelled, am I?” He asked, one word from being broken.

“No, this doesn’t change anything.” Aizawa stated, giving the child a rare smile.

Midoriya nodded before looking around, “Can...can we go...go somewhere else?”

Naturally, the teachers nodded as Midoriya jumped up, forming his teen form around him, startling the heroes.

“Shall we go?”

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