"Well it's a good thing you know us then." Blake snickers making me wonder what the heck is going on in his head. For the short period of time I've known him it makes me wonder what kind of thought process he goes through to get from point A to point B.

"What did you do back in Cali?" Ryker asks looking around the house, this is probably the first time that they've come inside in a long while.

"It kind of depended, I mean I did the typical things most Cali kids did. Surf, parties, outdoor stuff, some stupid things. What do you do here?" I watch as some shit eating grins cover their faces, and it makes me curious.

"We do stupid real good. Out in the backwoods of Nebraska that's where all the parties really are. I hope you are ready for some real outdoor fun." Hearing Ryker's response I become so confused, but also very intrigued.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Should I be worried?" I begin to smile at the thought of getting into some kind of trouble. This sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

"Have you ever heard of mud bogging?" He asks me and I have to pause, I want to say yes, but I don't think that I truly understand.

"I want to say yes, it sounds like it'd be some kind of fun." I start thinking about it more, I don't know what kind of fun that is gonna be, but I do know that I want to be a part of it somehow.

"I think we are gonna have to redneck the Cali girl and do it pretty soon." I watch as Blake turns towards Ryker making that comment and looking at me conspiratorially, making me laugh at him.

"Redneck the Cali girl that could either be really fun or really dangerous." I chuckle shaking my head at them.

"I think we could turn her country pretty easy. I see enough crazy in her to make it stick." Ryker makes a comment eyeing me, making me laugh hard. I'm sure most people would get offended at being called crazy, but coming from Ryker I don't see it as being an insult. I can say with all honesty that growing up in Cali has been an uncomfortable experience, for multiple reasons. One being that I had never felt like I belonged in Cali. I always felt like I didn't belong, from the whispered rumors, and my lack of fitting in.

I felt like I just had no freedom in Cali, always trying to fit the standards that seemed to be held above my head. "My crazy might be too much for the country to handle." I get a semi dark chuckle from Ryker and something inside me sparks to life, a new excitement being found.

"Oh honey, believe me, the country is gonna be capable of handling any kind of crazy you could bring to it." Chuckling I shake my head with a grin. I think I'm really gonna like it here, not just because of these two but just the welcoming feeling I got when I first arrived. Leaving Cali had been such a weight off of my chest, I had never been more relieved to have lifted.

"I think you guys are gonna have to introduce me into the country world soon then." Not being able to help myself I smirk, I can't even explain how much excitement I have coursing through my veins at the moment. Major decides that no one has paid him enough attention and jumps onto the love seat with an over exaggerated sigh and looks around the room.

"You know what sounds great right now. Pizza and a movie, got any good ones?" Turning towards Blake I just chuckle and shake my head. Standing up, I walk over to the TV stand and sit on the floor, to pull open my cupboard of movies. I know that you could just stream them, but I'm more old fashioned.

"You guys are gonna have to take care of the pizza, but I got the movies covered. What genre are you in the mood for." I look over my shoulder watching as they lean forward to glance over the large collection of DVD's. When I lived in Cali, a lot of people turned their backs on me when rumors started to spread, dirty laundry being aired so to speak. The truth in the story had been removed and transformed into nothing but twisted lies. Staying at home, watching movies, or going out with Major seemed to be my only entertainment.

Besides volunteering at the training facility was my only source of contact with the outside people. I'm hoping that being out here in Nebraska will be a completely fresh start. The only issue I'll have to fight will be that I'm awkward and a weird person. So that might limit my friendships a little. My socially awkward personality might be detrimental to most new friendships and or relationships I start here. "Let's break out all the movie fixings, popcorn, soda, pizza, some sweets. Let's get this poppin!" Blake cracks out making me turn towards him tilting my head I don't know why but that last statement confused and slightly weirded me out.

"Don't ever say 'Let's get this poppin.' again, I'll disown you as a friend." Ryker gives Blake a look and I bust out laughing at the expression on his face. Blake looks between us and realizes that his statement didn't fly as well as he thought it was going to.

"You guys are picking on me and I don't like it." He sniffs at us before pulling out his phone to dial for the pizza. I just laugh at this matter, and turn back towards the selection of movies I have. Anything from Chick flicks to Action, even Horror; although I don't really watch Horror movies, they aren't my cup of tea when I am alone. And let's face, I have spent more time alone than I have with another human being. My mother only stopped by the house on a random occasion, she has been more of a roommate than a parent.

"Are you ready to get back to school?" I look back over my shoulder scrunching my nose, clearly making a displeased look at Blake.

"Not really, I mean I'm going to a new school when I only have a semester left. Would you be ready to go back to school in my position?" I can't help but ask rhetorically. I mean who would? At this point I can practically feel my graduation, and now I have to go through the whole process of adjusting to the surrounding area, meeting new people, somehow finding my place in the high school ranking system. Although I'm sure it helps that I already know two people.

"Yeah, I can see it not being fun. Have you moved around a lot?" I shrug not really knowing how to answer it. I mean I'm sure they aren't asking for my whole life story, yet most of my story explains the reasoning behind moving, behind the motives of my actions. Maybe I'm just thinking too deeply, it's something that I have been accused of. Since I spent a lot of time alone with my dog, I have done a lot of thinking, staying in my head. The scary part is repeating what if's that can't be changed, that can't be fixed.

"I guess so, I mean it was always in Cali. So it wasn't as much of a change as this." I don't look at them this time, knowing that they could see my eyes screaming for me to want to explain more. It always happens I meet someone knew and I try over explaining, trying to get someone to understand. Yet it always makes someone turn their nose to me, finding me weird that I just expose more of the dark history that stalks me.

"Is this the first time you have been out of Cali?"

"It's the first time I have lived out of Cali." 

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