Lexi moved her self towards the left as she got closer a sudden loud snapping sound echoed. Her breath caught in her throat and she felt her heart dropped in her gut.

"What was that?" One of them questioned

"You heard that right?" the shortest of them all said.

They looked around one stayed looking at Lexi's exact spot. The first one that spoke began going closer towards Lexi.

"It came from over here" he said towards her general area "I'm going to check it out, you two stay on alert" he said roughly.

She froze in her place looking down a small branch was broken under the weight of her boot.

Quickly she lifted her foot and stepped back so that she had her back against the tree. Moving the AK-47 so that it lay against her hip she reached down into her boot.

There she pulled out her blade from the hidden pocket in her boot. Keeping it in her left hand she reached behind her back for her gun. The silencer was already on so it would keep the noise to a minimum.

This was a big deciding moment if it went well they would stay under the radar. If not then they would end up in chaos with the Slick Bastards chasing behind there asses.

The footsteps echoed in her ears telling her that the man was coming. Mentally she began counting when Lexi reached the number 37. That's when she got the first glimpse of the mans raised gun.

His cut came into full view as he crept forward, stepping towards her left she began lifting her arm. Waiting for the right moment she waited till his body was obstructed and fully enclosed in the dark.

Stepping forward with quick speed she kicked the gun out of his hand. Then she slammed her blade into the groove of his neck and sliced across his skin. With her right hand she covered his mouth as she pulled the blade out.

The blood splurged out instantly covering the whole front of his shirt his gargling bloody breath on her hand. Till his body fell to the ground with a small thud.

Lexi let a sigh of relief but only for a second because the other guards started rousing why he was taking forever. Crouching down she stepped to her left peeking out from behind the tree.

Both men were coming towards her, she was in quite a predicament. Cursing under her breath she held the blade with a tight grip. They were closing in on her when she spotted Kasey creeping up from behind them.

She waited Kasey came from behind and attacked the shortest guard. Hitting him with the barrel of her gun across the head. The other guard turned to attack Kasey in that moment Lexi was on her feet rushing the other guard.

With all her body force she caught him by surprise tackling him from the side to the floor. They grappled on the ground till the guard caught her right arm. The blade still in her hand was now pinned to the floor.

Using her leg strength she bended her knees upwards to her upper body. Then pushing her feet against his chest throwing him off. With the advantage she rolled onto straddling him and began throwing punches with her free left hand.

The guard tried covering face till finally he released her hand. Giving her a few seconds she needed without any thought she rammed her hand down. The blade digging into the thin flesh of the neck.

The guard gurgled as the metal ripped open his artery leaving him to bleed out. It was quick and brutal his eyes rolled back into his head leaving only a corpse with no life.

Kasey stood above the man as he lay unconscious there was a stinging in her arm. There were minor scratches from how he threw her to the floor.

She thought that with that hard hit he would have been done but she underestimated her opponent. He was dazed but he turned around and threw her to the ground like a doll.

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