Chapter 11

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Hurrayyyy!! We are finally at chapter 10.


"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus."
Alexander Graham Bell

I pulled the zipper up on my over all. Since I have been demoted to the position of maintenance, I would have to walk around the building looking like a deflated balloon dressed as a marshmallow.

I blame my father for all of this. I swear, he has been planning this from day one. Always trying to belittle me and mock me. This was the ultimate punishment.

He is still sore after I left. He sees me as a threat now, since I can stand up for myself and decide when not to take his frequent bullshit. He is scared as a wimp, after I refused to apologise to Naira and patch things up.

I can see it clearly now, behind his tough front and queer demeanour, he is just a big boy who is scared his son is going to mess up his money.

And to think after forcing me into this job he might even give me a cooler position, he shoved me right down the ladder into the bottom most pit and bedecked me with this hideous and filthy overalls.

The fact that I am the one who looks like a tiny dick which hasn't been circumcised adds to my burning anger.

I really want to punch his face into the wall right now. Only if he was in front of me, I would have done home real damage.

I don't care if he is my father, he hasn't given two flying bats about me since the day I was born. Why then should I try to patch up a relationship that never existed.

"Leon, aren't you done yet?" A low but rumbling voice asked behind the bathroom door.

"No, I need a minute!"

"How hard is it to put on an overall?" he asked rhetorically.

It isn't about the wearing, it is about the showing. I don't want anyone seeing me like this.

At this moment I just want the world to swallow me up. Wait, no, I would prefer it to be my father.

"HEY, I DON'THAVE ALL DAY." The voice said again.

I sighed unhappily, staring at my pained expression in the mirror. I close my eyes briefly to utter a little prayer, but a loud bang and a piqued voice throwing curses around brought me out of my state of spirituality.

I opened the door ready to Sally but was instantly choked when I saw the owner of the voice. He was huge, almost as tall as a skyscraper and had bulging muscles that could be seen through his overall.

"You called for me sir?" I said in the politest way I have ever spoken.

"You think you can waste my time?" He asked, his veins popping out of his tiny swollen head.

"No I... I was checking to make sure the sink was ..... um... running." I stuttered.

"Time is precious, man." He continued. "And sinks don't run!"

"YES SIR." I shouted in an unnatural way to match his.

"Don't shout at me!" he said even louder. "I was instructed to teach you the tricks around here, I expect your maximum cooperation."

"I would do whatever you ask, sir." I whispered.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" the tumefied body moved closer.

"Yes, sir!" I said uncertainly.

He nodded in approval and turned to leave. "One last thing, never call me sir."

I stood there confused and scared, too afraid to ask for his real name.

"You call me Popito." He said calmly and ushered me into the hall way.

"Your first task, toilet maintenance."

I stopped as the fear and humiliation of ever doing that overcome my senses.

"Don't worry kid." He smiles, obviously mocking me. "This is going to be some real fun."

I told you, my father is just mean!

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