Part X Six

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I really only wrote this for fun one night last summer, then I started focusing on my other story and left this one hanging. but seeing as it's getting some support I may as well finish it. I'm not completely caught up on either of the animes and some of this may be wrong and choppy because it's been a while. I'm not going to fix any of the mistakes in the first couple of chapters, but I will try from now on. I'm glad people like this.

Kakashi pov.

"Well~ this is going to take a while. Would you like to play a game?" I raised an eyebrow. Why would this psychopath want to play a game? Oh, right, because has a psychopath. "What game?" He smirks. "How about poker? You do know how to play, right~?"

I scoffed. "One of the people I had to be around most of my life was a crazy gambler. Of course, I know how to play." He smiled. We sat in the center of the room as he passed out more cards. Didn't he just give up a deck? Eh, he's crazy. Could have more than one deck. 

"What are the stakes?" He hummed. "Whoever loses a hand strips~" This has got to be the worst game of poker ever. The last time I played strip poker, Tsunade punched Jiraiya in the face for looking, and I had only shed my vest. "Whatever. Be prepared to get naked, though." He never said no to cheating.

I put my hands in my lap and made a shadow clone appear on the wall behind him, completely concealed. We both picked up our stacks. Seeing as Hisoka had more than one deck, they could be rigged somehow, but if I called him out, he'd most likely just call me out.

Cards are thrown down and picked up anew. My shadow clone kept me ahead for a time. Until Hisoka started throwing down flushes and straights. Both of us losing clothes slowly, the clone popped, letting me see its memories. The cards had started changing after he rubbed his fingers over them. All in a particular pattern. Very good sleight of hand, though, good enough to fool a Hokage, at least temporarily.

Two could play at that game, you damn clown.

I don't know if Hisoka could sense chakra or not, so I- as carefully as possible- henged the front of mine to better cards than even he had. With identical smirks, we set our cards down.



It was six hours later, and most of Hisokas clothes were off only covered with his pants. I, on the other hand, only shed my sandals, gloves, vest, headband, and overshirt. The clown- was that his aim? Clown?- pouted as a door opened. "Shame, with only a few more rounds, I could've been completely naked!~Oh well~"

"You do know there are cameras everywhere, correct?" The Colorful Orochimaru Clone only smirked as he slipped his clothes back on. The man with the pins walked(chattered) through the door. What was up with him, Masochism, maybe? I'm not complaining I've seen worse(*cough* Hidan *cough*)

Well, here I am... in a room with two strangers, who I'm going to have to spend the next however many hours with.


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