Part X Nine

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As Gon held his card in front of the wanna-be hunters, I felt sympathy for the kid. He has to hunt Hisoka. Of course, he does. The psychopath that lusts over little boys. And me, for some reason, because I can feel his eyes on me-- that's off-topic. "You could always win with points if needed."

Gon shook, and Killua looked at him nervously. "Are you scared or excited?" 

The green-clad boy looked at his friend, "Both, actually. I can't wait to test my skills against Hisoka!" I rub my eyes.

"No, you don't, Gon. He's way out of your power level. I'd say Leorio is who you'd want to fight at the moment. No offense, of course."

Kurapika looked up at me, " What do you mean, Kakashi? How can you tell?" His grey eyes bore into mine. How do I explain that I can gauge people by how they act?

"Well, I was a sensei at one point. I'd like to think I know how to estimate power levels pretty well by now. And besides, I've seen you fight, Gon. You're not at Killuas level yet, and if he's sweating in the presence of that clown, I'd say he's far stronger than even Killua." Even after I said all that, Gon still has that look in his eyes. God, he was just like Naruto.

Once we got past the catastrophe that is Gon, we finally looked at the other, less threatening, cards. While Leorio and Kurapika had distinctly different cards, mine and Killuas' were only one number apart. 

"Wanna team up, Mister Kakashi?" Two big blue eyes looked into my only uncovered eye. Again, Naruto, anyone? Although Killuas eyes were colder, they nonetheless held the same color and gleam- the one that promises nothing but mischief and trouble.

Ahh, even now, I can't say no to those eyes. "Sure, it'll save us both some trouble, though I don't know how we'll achieve that. I'll be the first off, and you'll be close to the last." 

Killua thought for a moment, "You know how you ran on the ceiling in the first stage? Why don't you just do it on a tree?" Killua, I've been doing that since I learned how to walk, but that wasn't what I meant... 

"Think about the people who'll notice me and go after me." Killua scowled.

"Then go hide and find me afterward!" I sighed. I wasn't raised in the Village Hidden in the Leaves for nothing. 

"Fine, I'll figure it out." noticing the conversation was over, Killua started another with Gon. I decided to walk around the boat. It has been a while since I've been on one, War and all.

 I walked around, dodging feet and hands as I went. Some people would glance at me and then look away, most likely remembering my little stunt in the tower.

I found a relatively people-less spot in a back corner. Considering how small of a boat it is, it's a feat to be proud of. The view is excellent. It's almost like the oceans surrounding Kirigakure, minus the enemy ships of course. It's more like Wave country. Honestly, the only thing missing is The Great Naruto Bridge.

There was a clicking and chattering noise from behind me. To be honest, I felt the person approaching long before I heard them. Although I couldn't help but notice through all the noise, the footsteps were silent. Gittarackur stood beside me, with almost no space between us. I continued to stare out at the ocean, ignoring the guy. I can tell he's looking at me, as is Hisoka. I have no interest in talking to the Assassins of this world.

Although he isn't a Ninja, I can tell he's had formal training, almost the same as what Killuas has been through.

"Can I help you, sir? Or are you just going to stare at me?" I finally turned to look him in the eyes. The eyes held absolutely no emotion whatsoever. Just like Sai, but more pronounced, seeing as this guy is a lot older than Sai was when he died. Ahhhh~ Yet another person to remind me of my Nightmares people call memories.

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