Chapter 26 - The Vytal Festival Tournament

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[If see this °×° play the vid to understand the chapter more]

Clock was ticking peacefully, as I shuffle on my side holding my blanket closer to me because of the cold air hitting my skin. Someones arms snaking on my waist holding me tightly, I groan when I heard a loud noise shuffling on the other side of my room. As I was snuggled to the person that's on my bed.

Remi : And...Up you go you two!

And the blanket on us have been taken off, I snuggle closely to the warm body that is holding me. Hearing mumbled noises around.

Remi : Ruby, Rangel.. It's already 7 o'clock in the morning and you both are still sleeping.

Ruby : Shhhh... Quiet down please, where trying to sleep..

My sister said in her sleepy tone, hearing someone sigh picking up something and...

*Pan, Utensils, Calderon and some kitchen kits is being thrown down making a loud noises*

I jolted awake, slipping out of my bed like a scared cat. As my sister Ruby groan when she hit the hard floor, startling our nice sleep out of us both. Looking around we saw Remi standing leaning against the window frame and Adley smirking like shit. Me and Ruby look at each other and groan, about to go back to the bed to continued our sleep.

But then the door open revealing Yang, the heiress, and the ninja.. Hmm.. Nice, I have nicknamed them both.

Yang : I thought they're already up, I guess I'm wrong... Maybe, they.. Don't.. Want.. To.. Participate.. On.. The.. Tournament..

Ruby and I both groan on Yang's words that she actually did in purpose. Both of us getting up, and stomping like a child picking up our pillows on the floor.

Yang : Come on you two get ready, the vytal is today.

( Time skip brought to you by chibi Ruby sleeping with chibi Rangel, while chibi Adley is preparing her kitchen kits )

Yang : What time did you two sleep last night?

Ruby : I don't know, well we just stay up, until we both decided to sleep maybe 4 or 5 am?..

Ruby said, as she pat my head causing me to groan, removing her hand from my head but she just putting it back again ignoring my whines and annoyance. And as we all heard Professor Port calling my sisters Team, and Team JNPR come along with us waving my sisters team saying their good luck to them.

Pyrrha : I'm sure that we should catch up for a moment Rangel.

Jaune : Yeah, and we should head now after we miss your sisters fight.

I heard him say, as I weakly obliged what they say and we all made our way to the Amity Colosseum. Catching up with Pyrrha, Remi was nowhere to be found while Adley was follow behind, we all sat to an empty seats infront seeing that the tournament is still not starting.

I reach for my scroll to message Remi so she'll know that the tournament is still not starting, few seconds later I got her answer saying 'got it' before I can message back there is a sudden pat behind me, getting the attention of Pyrrha and Adley who look back.


I look behind me seeing Remi with a popcorn in her hands, giving it to me as I smile at her while she sat behind us, looking back again to the already starting match between my sisters team and Team ABRN from Haven Academy, as Professor Port and Professor O'obleck start speaking.

Port : Oh. Ho! It seems that we have another astonishing bout ahead of us!, Wouldn't you agree Professor?

Professor Port glance at Doctor O'obleck who put down his glasses.

O'obleck : Doctor.

He correct and fixes his glasses back looking back at the live camera.

O'obleck : And yes Peter, I think it's safe to say this match may be the closest we've seen of the four–on–four round of the tournament!

Port : For those of you just now joining us, welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament...

Port : Broadcast live from the Amity Colosseum!

As the camera zoomed out revealing the fight between my sisters team and team ABRN, and the full image of Amity Colosseum.

Port : If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules.

O'obleck : The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds; Team, Double, and Singles. (yeah, the singles who just rejected by their cru-.. nevermind back to story) Age and school year are irrelevant! In this tournament your only attribute being tested.. Is skill.

Port : Correct! The winners of this battle will elect two of their members to represent them in the doubles round, followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again.

Port : The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdoms!

O'obleck : And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on! I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that!

Professor Port look at Dr. O'obleck

Port : Ahh.., and why would they?

He question and turn to his original collected self.

Port : Now, let's get back to the match between Team RWBY of Beacon and Team ABRN of Haven.

Looking back at my sisters match, seeing Blake fighting against Reese, My sister Yang is fighting against Arsalan landing a few feet away from her as Nadir aiming at her back, but my Sister Ruby shoot him with Ice dust freezing his foot.

Ruby : Got your back!

Ruby shouts but stop when Bolin spoke.

Bolin : Who's got yours?

Before he can strike my sister, the heiress use her black glyph. Looking at Ruby she deadpan.

Ruby : My BFF!

Weiss : No.

She said dashing off, but my sister just say a silent 'yes' looking behind her side.

Bolin rebound on the fire side of the ring, Weiss making a white glyph dashing towards him going for a attack but Bolin just dodge it all. Running front toward Weiss and Ruby's way, but passing by them getting a fire dust and throwing it to Reese who winks. Putting the Crystal dust to her board and riding it and melting the ice from Nadir.

(Time skip brought to you by chibi Team RWBY eating noodles with chibi Rangel)

Ruby : We did it!!

My sister exclaimed but in a tired way, totally because of empty stomach.

Ruby : I'm starving.

As we all heard a loud growl of stomach coming from Blake we all look at her and blushing lightly of embarrassment. Adley was resting her arm around my shoulder, and Yang noticed it.

Yang : Hey hands-off my sister.

She said in a stern action, Adley immediately pull out her arm off me and made a two feet away from me. Yang is still looking at her way, I immediately block her sight to Adley so she won't see her. Walking off and heading to a good shop, we stop because of the sudden intrusion. Looking back we saw Emerald holding Ruby's purse, using my semblance I took it from her and throwing it back to Ruby.

I glared at her and walk off, Adley following behind as I heard Ruby apologize because of my sudden behavior.

{ Hello dear readers, Wow!.. I didn't know I will be getting much read, all of your efforts of reading is appreciated by me ofcourse and who voted to.. Well I'm still shocked that someone read my story I'm happy, T-T) *grips my phone tightly* thank you very much everyone}

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