Chapter 21 - Wound and scars

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"Qrow POV"

It took two days too heal my niece, she got a three long scar on her back and a few wounds that is still not healing fast. I took out my flask but put it back when I heard faint sound from Rangel, I look to see her waking up and I sighed in relief that she's ok.

Qrow : Hey kid, how are you feeling now?

I said and she gaze on me and smile weakly, she sat up.

Rangel : I feel weak and my head's throbbing in pain...

I laugh at her and ruffled her hair, she groan and fix her hair back.

Qrow : That would be expected kid you almost died again..

I emphasize the word again and she huff, mumbling a word the she didn't die and still alive breathing. I nod at her and cross my arms.

Qrow : Yeah, you didn't die but you got a big scar on your back kid, how will I explain that to my sister?

I said to her and her expression changed to sadness, lowering her head I uncross my arms and got up and sat to her side.

Qrow : What's wrong?

Rangel : I-i'm to weak too be a huntress, the grimm sent me away many times and I got hit many times..

I look at her wide eyes, and I sigh in and out.

Qrow : You're not weak, you're just scared... Your still scared..

I said and I gave her a hug, and she cry her self out. I Pat her back and she fall asleep in my grasp, setting her back down and I sighed softly.

Qrow : I'm sorry if I left you that time, I'm just so lost and I don't know what to do when summer died...

I said in a low voice, I reaxh for my scroll and dialed a number.

Qrow : She's fine now well be back tomorrow morning Oz.

Ozpin : Well, I think this may affect her in the near future.

Qrow : I hope it doesn't.

Ozpin : If you all neglect her again, you know what to expect.

I sighed deeply and ended up the call, I look to Rangel sleeping figure and made my way out.

Qrow : I hope it doesn't happen again...

( Time skip brought to you by chibi Rangel swaying her sword around. )

I heard a soft knock on the door and I slowly get up, I look out side and the sun is coming out.

Rangel : Come in

I said and I yawn scratching my tired eyes, Adley come in with a tray in hand. I sit up and fidget the end of the blanket.

Adley : I made you breakfast, you didn't eat yesterday when you get up... And will be leaving later on.

I nod in understanding and she put the tray down to the table beside the bed, I look at the food and rise my brow. She made a small smile taking the spoon up and setting it infront of my mouth.

Rangel : You know I can eat right..

I said but the spoon got shoved inside my mouth tasting the sweet potato soup. I cover my mouth and look at her with wide eyes, I swallow the food and made a small gasp.

Rangel : Why did you do that?!!..

I whined and she laugh at me, I slightly slap her arm as she again get a full spoon of sweet potato soup.

Adley : Need to shut you up.

She answer lining up the spoon infront of my mouth.


It was already 7:38 of the morning my uncle, Adley and me are waiting for the airship to get us back to Beacon Academy. After a second we heard airship coming, looking up and the airship land infront of us. The pilot apologizes to us for being late and we reassured him that it was ok.

The airship sent off, heading to Beacon Academy. It was really a boring one because you're just sitting on the ship and looking outside of the airship.

I reach for my pockets but I did get my bullet, My remnants where did I put my bullet?

|Back to the forest where Rangel fought the Ravager grimm, there was a red bag hanging on the tree where Rangel is watching the grimm before it attacks.|

I sigh in annoyance and recompose my self sitting perfectly fine on the airship, I loom at my uncle and he was drinking from his flask when he's done he put it back and he look out side of the ship. I gaze to Adley and she was reading a history book, I close my eyes and reopened it again.

I took out my scroll and my headphones putting it on and setting some music, I gaze outside seeing the blue ocean. My sisters didn't even sent me a messages or voice mails.

It took hours to get back when we land, I was the first one to get out of the airship. Professor Ozpin and miss Goodwitch waiting infront of the Beacon's Courtyard.

Ozpin : Ahh.. Ms. Branwen welcome back, and you seems tired well go ahead and rest for this weak the tournament will be coming.. And we don't want you missing this right?

Ozpin : Well Glynda make sure Rangel here visit the infirmary before going in her dorm.

Professor Glynda reaches for her glasses fixing it up and she glance at me, she start to walk and I immediately followed her. While we are both walking she immediately stop and turn around gazing me up and down look I everywhere.

Glynda : You seems well but, let's get to the infirmary to check you wounds and some fractures you've got.

Rangel : I didn't have fractures.

I mumble but Professor Glynda gaze at me sending a deadly look, I mentally curse and mentally facepalm.

Glynda : Make sure you didn't because your mother is worried sick when you was sent to your mission.

She start to walk again and we both amde our way to the infirmary, she talked to the nurse that is inside and she immediately checked me and she change the gauze at my back.

When she was done I put my shirt and coat on and Ms. Goodwitch escort me to my room, when I enter my dorm I immediately removed my boots and my coat throwing it somewhere and I unbutton my shirt leaving it open and I slumped down on my bed.

Rangel : Tire.. Need to sleep..

Darkness consume my tire and pain body, and I drift off to sleep.

"Raven POV"

I hung up the call and I make a portal to Rangel, when I got on her dorm room I immediately saw her slumped down on her bed. Opened shirt and her coat is thrown of on the ground and her boots is tossed on the side of her bed.

I put my sword at the side leaning towards the bedside table, I fix her up taking off her shirt and I saw some wounds on her body and my gaze look to the gauze around her.

Raven : Oh.. You're in so much trouble when you get up..

I put her blanket to make sure she's not cold, and sat on her side running my hands on her hair and I hummed softly. Looking at her sleeping figure, I smile at the sight of her and I kiss her head.

Raven : You looked like me but you're not a stubborn one as Yang..

I cuddled up with her and she shift to my direction immediately trapped me on a hug, I let a low gasp and I look at her and she was looking back at me. Those red eye's surely like me, gazing deep in your soul that sure can give you a chill.

Rangel : Sure I'm not like Yang, she have a small temper than me.

She said closing her eyes and her breath get steady, she was fast to get to sleep I chuckled softly and again run my hand to her hair.

Raven : I love you Rangel...

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