Combat test Pt.2 (Final)

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As of now, the second pair of people were about to fight a teacher. 

Neo was paired up with Jiro and was fighting Present Mic. She was extremely worried about her hearing during this fight. 

Just the pure fact that no communication will probably be going on during this fight is also a worry. 

The same rules apply to her that applied to Winter. 

Right now, they were dropped in the middle of some woods and were still trying to decide which way to go. 

"So, I say the best way to go would be that way!" She pointed to the left and then a "YEAH!" Coming from right in front of them scared them. 

It was so loud that it made them cover their ears. 

"We go that way, I think they always drop the villains off near the exit." 

Jiro simply stared at Neo's hands and then looked at her with a very confused expression. Neo then realized she didn't know sign language. 

Her and Winter don't pack their phones with them when in hero gear so she literally has no way of speaking to Jiro. 

"Don't you have your phone-?" 

Another loud noise came from that direction and Neo simply pointed that way and made a walking motion towards it. 

"Do you think the exit gate is that way?" Jiro took a hard guess as to what she was saying and Neo nodded. 

Looks like they've found a way of talking but it still wasn't the best. Better than nothing at least. 

"Okay!" Jiro and Neo start going that way and try not to stray far from each other. 

They were trying their best not to be in the direct line of where Present Mic was shouting which only helped a little bit. 

The closer they got to the loud hero, the closer Neo was to passing out with each shout. 

"WHERE ARE YOU! STILL NOT HERE YET!!" Present Mic's shout made Jiro fall to her knees and Neo passed out from the noise. 

"Neo! Get up!" 

The girl slowly got up. Jiro got closer after plugging her jacks into her shoes to amplify her heartbeat to possibly counterbalance all of the noise coming at them. 

Jiro almost fell over as Neo got up and the pure bloodlust in her eyes. 

"N... Neo...?" Jiro mumbled. 

Neo seemed to ignore everything around her and pulled a knife off her hip making Jiro freeze.

"What are you doing?" She asked as another shout came at them. 

They both covered their ears but Neo doesn't seem as bothered by it as before. 

Jiro then became invisible and a copy of her appeared next to Neo. 

She quickly understood the plan. 

Neo would take out Present Mic and she would simply just appear later on after he's out. 

Neo and the copy soon ran off into the woods. 

The copy soon got behind a tree as they approached Present Mic from the side. 

He seen Neo jumping at him and quickly turned, letting out a yell at the girl. 

As soon as the force hit her, she shattered like glass. 

He turned once again only to get his feet swept. He hits the ground with a hard thud and Neo covered his mouth and puts a knife to his forehead. 

The real Neo then comes out of invisibility and delivered a very strong, hate-filled kick to his face knocking him out cold. 

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