A bit of training

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Winter was pacing in a secluded area Uraraka had told him to go too. If this was a possible set up, he had a karambit knife tucked away in his boot. 

She appeared. Uraraka. 

"What is it that we needed to talk about?" 

She walked over and stared him in the eyes. 

"You need to be nicer." 

There was a long silence. She got a hard chop to the head and backed up from it with an, "OW!" 

"Woman! Do you know how much anxiety you've caused me!" She walked over and chopped him on his head. He backed up saying, "OW!" Just like she did. "Well sorry! I was anxious about the whole sports festival thing so I came off way meaner than I was supposed too!!" 

"WHAAA... you could've just said that, stupid!!" 

They both angrily stare at each other. 

"Don't call me stupid, idiot!" She yelled back. It surprised Winter, that's for sure.   

"Oh?! You wanna go small fry!" 

"Yeah, get ready for this, Winter! I said I wasn't holding back on you anymore!" They both square each other up and rush at each other... 

The very next day... 

Neo was already sitting in class and so were a lot of other students. Mina and Kirishima were at her desk and they kept asking questions while she was typing away to try and answer them fast enough. 

"Hey, you two." Bakugo looked over to them. "Slow the hell down, can't you see she's struggling to keep up." She was a bit surprised to see that he had told them that. "Chill out and let her actually join the conversation." He went back to just staring at the front waiting for class to start. 

"Wow, it looks like you've drawn the attention of Bakugo." Mina said with a cheeky smile. 

"That doesn't sound like a good thing..." She rolled her eyes and then the door opened to reveal Uraraka with quite a few bandages on her face and from her face you could tell her body was in pain. 

She walked in and collapsed into her seat. 

A few people ran over to her and asked if she was okay, one of these people was Neo. 

"Guys don't worry. I plan to go to the nurse after this class." She sat up and smiled. "It's really not that big of a deal. Well, not as much as I did to the-" 

"What even happened to you?" Mina asked. 

"Oh, I got in a fight with Winter." The entire class seemed to freeze. Even Neo was a bit surprised. After all, he didn't come home last night. 

The door opened again to see Winter with a single bandaid and patch on his face. Everyone stared at him. 

"...What? What happened?" He asked with a confused look. 

Mina simply walked up to him. "Did you fight Uraraka?" 

His facial expression shifted to a shocked one as he thought this was supposed to be a secret. "Wait! Wait! Before you all jump on me..." He lifted up his uniform to see he was wrapped in a bandage around his chest. 

They all were a bit confused and looked to Uraraka. 

 She did a soft giggle and rubbed the back of her head while saying, "I might have stabbed him...." 

Winter just looked confused, "the fuck you might 'might have'?! You did!!" 

She stood up and felt hurt. 

"It was mostly accidental!" 

"Fuck you mean! In the damn beginning! You stabbed me with the knife I dropped and I had to fight you for another twenty minutes!!" 

Everyone didn't know who's side to take. "woman, you are vicious!" 

"Hey! You kicked me in the head! I could've died!" 

"I was taking it easy on you the whole time! Even after you stabbed me with a fucking karambit knife!!" 

Aizawa walked in the room. "I don't know what's going on. but all of you take a seat. Class is getting started." 

Everyone took a seat and Winter's pain killers that he took were wearing off but he tried to go to the nurse only to get denied. 

Right after that class, Winter literally went to Neo and grabbed her hand. They both teleport out of the room. 

Midoriya made his way over to Uraraka to ask her about Winter. 

 The day passed quickly and by the end both Uraraka and winter were back to being fully healed. But Winter was a bit more tired but he was good enough to fight if it came down to it. 

Neo and Winter gathered after class and went to a beach that no one was on. 

They both sit down and create hard light copies of a bunch of people. Just about the same amount of people that attacked the USJ. This was a simple game of "Have everyone beat the hell out of each other!"

All of the copies charge at each other and take three hits to go down. They do this for most of the day and only do it to have better control and endurance for their illusions. 

Neo was getting tired and Winter knew that his endurance was better than hers when it came down to it. As they would most likely have to throw down during the sports festival. 

Things would be a bit complicated... 

(author: Next chapter is gonna be longer. I just have been working on a book that I'm probably gonna publish soon.) 

End of chapter 11

My hero academia: Shatter and Disperse (Mostly discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang