Like a light

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Sitting in the lunchroom, Winter was eating and laughing with Uraraka.

Most of the other students in 1-A were watching them from a distance. They looked peaceful enough and some of the others, mostly Kaminari and Kirishima were maybe willing to go over there and converse with him.

"....See he's not that bad." Kirishima said.

Kaminari had a weary smile. "...Yeah..."

They look over to another table. Jiro got up and had a determined look in her eyes. Knowing her position on this situation. They were a bit afraid of what she was going to say.

Winter stopped looking at Uraraka and looked obviously annoyed just by another presence. 

"What do you want?" He said.

"What's your plan? Are you planning to make her evil and help you get away?" Jiro said with a very judgemental face.

That was one of his plans but that would still be much further into the future. It was too early to be trying to escape, after all.

"What, no? Fuck-" He was shocked and fell out the seat. He gathered the entire lunchroom's attention.

After two seconds of straight shocking,  he stood up and gripped the collar. He was so tired of being shot that he flew into a rage and forcefully activated his quirk overriding the collar and tugged on.

A charging sound was heard and he froze as he realized what he was doing. 

"Night night." He said and then he was shocked and dropped to his knees. He screamed and fell right onto his face as he was shocked again. 

Uraraka ran over and looked over Winter. He was unconscious as she flipped him over and seen his eyes were closed.

She gave him a lap pillow and looked at Jiro.

"What was the point of even coming over here!!" She yelled.

"We were worried about you..." Jiro gave sorry expression.

"There was no need to worry! Actually, you've caused more trouble for me than anything!"

Jiro wasn't even sure about what to say, Uraraka was truly upset and most likely angry at this whole situation. Who wouldn't be honestly?

"Just please... back away." Uraraka had managed to calm herself down.

Winter was barely waking up. "What month is it...?" Was the first thing he said.

"Winter! Are you okay?!"

That woke him up, he realized he had a headache... a bad one at that...

He slowly got up, using Uraraka as support, and held his head. "I'm gonna go to the nurse..." He walked away without saying anything else.

Jiro looked at her and was about to say something but Uraraka just walked away.

Back over to the table Kirishima was at, he and his table watched the whole thing to unfold. Just about the entire lunchroom did. 

"That was... bad," Kirishima said.

"You could say that again..." Kaminari just sipped his chocolate milk.

The rest of lunch was eaten in silence and the last two periods of the day were after it.

But over with Winter, he was face down in a pillow in the infirmary. He didn't want to make anything worse so this is how he went about it.

Midoryia was still out cold from earlier.

"The only thing to do is sleep in here..." Winter said than actually decided to try and sleep. The medicine he took was acting pretty fast to his headache which was most definitely appreciated.

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