Rescue race

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Now, everyone was standing in front of All Might, with their hero costumes on, and waiting for him to explain what the hell they're doing here. 

"Well, today we'll be doing a simple rescue race!" All Might yelled to the entire group of students. 

Simple rules, five people race to a stage on the other side of the industrial area and the first person there wins. 

But, since Iida was getting his costume repaired, Winter stepped in and took his spot. 

"Winter! No teleporting to the end!" All Might just had to point out as they were getting ready. 

"I can't even do that without my sister! Leave me in peace so I can dust these fools!" Winter said as he teleported to the gate where the others were lined up. 

He was sure he could outmaneuver most of the people he was going against. Well, mostly just Mina and Ojiro. 

Midoriya and that new style of his was quite fast and Sero is gonna really have a lot of open space to move around in here. 

Truth be told, Winter would more than likely come in third... unless... 

He quickly looked over to Sero and casted a mental illusion on him. He made it so that the area looks a lot more confusing than it already did. 

All Might never said anything about confusing the others. So, it was completely allowed, technically. 

"Are you all, ready!!" All Might yelled to them. 

Without warning, he told them all to go and they jump ahead. 

Winter was quick to teleport onto the top of some machine-type thing and looked towards where the finish. 

His teleport by himself allowed him to only teleport about thirty or so feet so it allowed him to go pretty fast if he lined it up properly. Three teleports max for him before he got a bit dizzy from it. 

He quickly jumped forward getting him a good bit of distance and teleported to something in the distance. He used his other two before the dizziness hit him making him stop temporarily. 

He turned around and seen Midoriya fly right past him. 

He was going super fast! There was something about the way he was moving that reminded him of something. 

"What the hell! He's jumping around like Spider-Man!" He then hears Sero say, "Reminds me more of Bakugo, to be honest!" While he went right on past Winter. 

"Wait! Two can play it the spider game, I mean three!" Winter gritted his teeth. 

Neo and Winter's power wasn't able to replicate a lot of things that came from chain reactions but one thing they were able to create was adhesive! 

And that means he, could probably web swing just like Spider-Man! 

Well, he'd be doing a lot more web zipping, but it still works. 

He made web shooters on his wrist which were holographic, it just helped him keep up the facade while just straight up shooting webs from pure air. 

Sometimes he needs to trick himself for the maximum concentration. 

He jumped forward and shot a web to Sero's back. He pulled and Sero fell back a bit and Winter flew right past him. 

He landed on a pipe and jumped forward again doing three maximum range teleports gaining the upper hand on everyone else there. 

He jumped forward and had to stop for a second. He looked back only to see Midoriya fall to the black abyss below. 

Winter with his combined teleports, jumps, and webs was able to get to the end very fast and won with ease. 

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