Chapter thirty-seven

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Chapter thirty-seven.

Due to popular demand, I thought a suitable plot twist was invertible. Many of you many not like this plot twist, because it's not exactly credible or plausible. But I don't really care to be honest. This chapter is über short and has a huge cliffhanger, but I'm on winter holidays now so I can write like all the time!

Also I have edited, chapters 31 and 32,33 so yeah.. So it fits with what I'm about to do. I'd go re read them before you read this chapter. And thanks to @gameofthrones_4ever_onofficial for this idea! kinda. 😍😏

Anyway enjoy..


Elonar Stark, travelled south to Highgarden, accompanied by Axel and less than 300 men. One night, somewhere, just north of Harrenhal, the made camp for the night, Elonar was restless that night. Nightmares kept her awake, and when sleep finally found her, she was soon awoken. "Mi'Lady!" Grayce screamed, bursting through El's bed chamber "he's back!!" Grayce said struggling to breath.

El sat up in bed, confused "who?"

"Garlan" she said walking over to El's bed and pulling her upward.

El was bewildered, this couldn't be, he's dead for gods sake. "This has got to be a dream" El muttered under her breath, but none the less she followed Grayce out of the tent into the darkness which was alive with running men, torches and loud voices. "Bring him into the tent" El commanded, then Grayce rushed off Into the crowd to find him. Minutes passed slowly in agonising silence.

Then Axel appeared "Milday" he bowed his head, looking just as confused as El.

"Is it him?" El questioned.

"As far as I could tell, yes" Axel said, "but how.." He began.

"For gods sake!" He said, struggling into the tent, held by three guards was Garlan Tyrell. Somewhat tired and rougher looking, but El knew him in an instant. He was still the man, she'd once loved, the same golden eyes, light brown hair, and sharp, handsome features. The guards forced him down onto his knees.

"Let him go" she said softly, Elonar walked, as calmly as she could over to where Garlan knelt. "How the hell, are you not dead?, I buried you." El snarled, she trailed her fingers along his beard.

"It's a long story, my love" he said, smiling a little.

"Everyone out" Elonar yelled, waving everyone out, "Garlan Tyrell" she let his name roll over her tongue. "Why the hell are you here, I burried you. You have so much explaining to do" She said walking towards him. Elonar ran her fingertips along his shoulder blades.

He laughed a little. "And what exactly did they tell, so I know where to start." He said pouring himself wine.

"Axel said he saw you get cut in half. Then a few days later, a lannister man took your body, that retrospectively could have been anyone." Elonar began.

Garlan smiled he stood up and pulled off his shirt, revealing a huge scar, that run from hip to his shoulder. "I was indeed cut in half, almost" he smirked. "And I don't quite remember being buried. I was however held prisoner In the Lannisters camp, for several months, until they set me free, with absolutely no explanation.

El was pacing up and down the tent "you have to understand how confusing this is for me."

"And I do" he stood in front of her, looking down at her.

She studied his face, he looked older, this hair and eyebrows were darker. "I thought your were dead" she rested her forehead against his "gods, I.." She stuttered "I moved on.." She stuttered "it's been over a year, and I thought you were dead, you have no idea what I've gone through." She began almost angrily.

"I'm so sorry my love, what else could I have done? I spent to entire time, trying to get back to you. Every day I was a prisoner and I tried to escape, but they caught me, twice. I tried my love, I tried." He tried to smile, and El believed him.

She smiled back, a little and he placed his hands on her cheeks, their lips met and touched ever so lightly. Soon the kiss deepened and El pressed her fingertips against Garlan's bare skin. "I missed you" he said in between kisses down her neck, everything was so confusing, how was this even real? El thought. However confused she felt, it was blow away by how, perfect this felt.

Garlan untied her nightshirt so slowly, El was almost begging him to go faster, he kissed her everywhere, and she simply gave herself to Garlan. It had to be Garlan, because no one knew these sort of things about her. And after, like always, he'd lay beside catch his breath and then pull her in and hold her. It was perfect, back to normal, yet something felt slightly wrong.

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