Chapter 75 - Garlan

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Firstly - thank you for 100k WOW THANK YOU ITS INSANE SHITTTTT. Thank you to everyone who's read this story since the start, and thank you to everyone who's joined along the way, I'm so grateful for you guys you've given me so much more confidence than I could have ever imagined.

Secondly - I apologise for the length and quality of this chapter, I am doing my AS mocks currently at school so it's pretty busy.. But I have big plans for the plot so please keep with me!

And Finally this chapter is for Direstarks because you need to know you aren't alone, and thank you for your support I really really appreciate your dedication to El ❤️

Anywayyyy enjoy this chapter 😏


"You look beautiful this morning my love" Garlan smiled taking El's hand and kissing her knuckles lightly. "Your dress is very pretty" he complimented before he led her out into the morning sunshine.

"It seems an awful long way to go just get away from the castle" El sighed lifting her shirts before descending a flight of stairs in pursuit of Garlan, who's legs being considerably longer than El allowed him to walk considerably faster than El, "oh for gods sake would you slow down.." She sighed.

"I would if we weren't already nearly an hour late I would be happy to" Garlan rolled his eyes but stopped to allow El to catch up to him.

"That's hardly my fault" she smirked, "why are we meeting in the gardens anyway? What's wrong with the castle?" El sighed.

"What is it with you northerners and forever wanting to be locked in your castles?"

"Because my love, if you haven't noticed it's bloody cold in the north"

"You'd think after eight years of living in the North, I might have noticed that by now" Garlan laughed.

"For you" Garlan smirked, pulling small but very elaborate blue flower from a vine and handed it to El.

El only raised her eyebrows, "where's my husband?" El smiled.

"Can I not give my wife a flower?" Garlan smiled, sniffling a snigger in response to the look of disgust El was airing, "of course I could never find a flower as beautiful as you, but this only a vain representation of your beauty."

"Your full of it" El rolled her eyes and kept walking.

"This flower is only as pretty as the smallest part of you, your toenail on your pinky toes perhaps.But as a token of my love" Garlan laughed.

"As pretty as the toenail on my pinky toe, how romantic Garlan" El laughed now, "oh how lucky I am to have a husband like you. You know some husbands lock their wives away in towers until they need more heirs, but you give me a flowers that are as pretty as my toenails." El laughed and kept walking.

"I could lock you up in a tower if that's what you'd want? If you don't want my romantic gestures, I do own a castle with some very suitable towers that I could lock you in" Garlan said catching up to her and taking her hand in his.

"I'll be happy enough with the flowers on second thought" El smiled, squeezing his hand. She stopped abruptly and smoothed her hand along his jaw, El was about to kiss him when she lingered her lips close to his and said "I still can't get used to you without a beard" she wrinkled up her nose and moved to walk away, when Garlan pulled her close pressing his lips hard enough to shut her up, but gentle enough to make her to pull at his lips in desperation wanting more.

The Queen in the North: Game of thrones fanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ