Chapter nineteen: Garlan Tyrell

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Chapter Nineteen:

* Gelonar chapter coming 😏 and this is the shortest chapter I've ever written ever ahah I've gubernatorial up with long chapters, I'm just gonna write shorter chapters from now on. But post them more regularly*

Garlan Tyrell

"You will go to the Dreadfort along with two hundred men" Elonar said as she sipped wine from her goblet, leaning against the great fire place in there chamber. In the red glow of the flickering firelight and the silver of the full moon she looked somewhat more wolf-like and dangerous. She stood with her back to him, facing the fire.

"Will I now" Garlan smiled, he leaned against the frame of the full poster bed and ran his fingers through his golden brown hair, his black shirt was half undone and his chest showed.

"You will" she commanded and turned to him, "because I have no other choice, I need to find out whether they have my sister or not. And also get my family and give then a proper burial here in Winterfell." She closed her eyes for a Moment " Winter is coming, and we are not at all prepared for it. Each morning we wake, to find a foot more snow than the night before."

"Very well" Garlan Tyrell smiled crossing the room to Where El was standing, there was a short silence where the pair looked upon each other "you look beautiful tonight El" he cupped her face in his hand. The frozen evening air was all that separated them, when Garlan pulled her in and wrapped his arms from behind. He pushed her hair back and kissed her neck softly, she tuned to face him, then she pushed him forward her hand pressing against his chest, until he was against the oak frame of the bed. Garlan ripped at the fastenings of her gown, he soon grew inpatient with fumbling with the fastenings then he just ripped the silk in two, and pulling the gown off her body and throw it aside. He throw her back onto the bed as easily as if she was as light as a child. His hands grasped her thighs and he stood over her. She locked her legs around his body while he throw his shirt aside Elonar pulled him down onto her. Garlan held her hips and she kissed him "I love you" he sighed as she pulled away his breeches.

Once he was done Garlan collapsed beside her and and lay on his stomach, he held her hand tight and they entangled themselves together perfectly "you, my sweet, sweet, lady Elonar, are deadly, those claws of yours" he laughed. "A true wolf" then she laughed also.

"You weren't hurting me, by the way" she said, turning her face to look at him smirking. They lay there like that, entangled perfectly for hours, until the winter sun feebly cracked through the open window and glittered off Elonar's bare skin, she got up and went to leave, but Garlan pulled her back into the soft warmth of the furs that engulfed them. He kissed her back and shoulder blades light as a leaf falling from a tree int he autumn. Her hair hung, messily down over her breasts in soft smooth ringlets. She truly was beautiful, he thought stroking her hair.

Weeks later, Garlan and the Greatjon were riding on the dreadford "don't kill Lord Bolton, if you can help it, bring him to me" Elonar said to Garlan the morning then were to leave. "I have to be the one to kill him"

"No, my sweet" Garlan laughed, "not in your condition" he said touching her stomach under the skins, and feeling their child, that grew inside her.

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