Chapter seven: Elonar

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Chapter Seven

<< Elonar >>

Love. Was never a thing Elonar Stark, wasted her time thinking about. That was a thing for Sansa and other girls like her to dream of. In fact, growing up, finding some high lord, prince or knight to marry and love were all Sansa Stark ever talked of. In all honesty, Elonar missed her sister, she missed her silly little petty jabs at El and her preference of books or sword over sewing and other lady like activities. Elonar was jealous of Sansa, her older sister was always prettier, but where Elonar lacked in beauty she gained double in brains. Where was Sansa now? In kingslanding, slaving to the Queen and Joffrey and married off to the Imp, Tyrion Lannister. Before Elonar left, she offered to bring Sansa with her with her, when she run away, but Sansa refused and ran straight to the queen. But Elonar was gone before the queen locked the city down. For the first week Elonar was terrified that they'd catch her, and bring her back, cut her head off. At that time, she planned to ride home to Winterfell, to find her mother and brothers. But Elonar had not been granted that good fortune. In the second week, she was in an inn somewhere near Harrenhall, she heard men talking to the Inn keep about, the education of her father Lord Eddard, it took all of Elonar not to cry, right then. She was only 12 at that time. And after 5 years, El had finally made it home, and now had what Sansa always wanted. A handsome Knight, someone who loved her.

However, Elonar could never marry Brandon, that would be forbidden. He was just a knight and her a Queen. But if she was queen, then who would stop her? She thought Dressing in her riding leathers, and she sat in the chair in front of the mirror and let her hand maidens fuss over her hair. Once they were done and she thanked them. She was packing the last of her things for the journey when she was alerted by the knocking on the door, "enter" Lady Elonar said Brandon Tallhart entered, wearing his house colours, a brown cloak stitched with green trees. His hose words "proud and free" were written in gold thread on his chest. He pulled her closer, "I think I will miss you." He said brushing a curl behind her ear.

"Brandon" she said "you have to understand, that I'm only leaving you here, because I trust you to be here while I'm gone." Elonar looked up at Brandon.

Brandon just smirked down at her and placed his arms around her waist. " and I, my lady, will be waiting for you here" his golden eyes read Lady a Elonar like one of her books, so easily, so effortlessly. "Lady El, I think I'm in love with you" she ran her fingers through his hair. But she was speechless, did she love him back? Did she have time for love? Lady Stark, the queen in the north, she need men, not a single man. She'd done fine for three years all by her self. She needed to establish her hands, who was loyal to her, and who was not, she need crops to grow food for her men, not the feel of Brandon Tallhart against her.

"I must make my leave, Ser Tallhart" Elonar Stark said, she walked away picking up her sword leaving Brandon Tallhart in her chambers. No, she thought, I don't love him. In the yard, waited Axel Umber and Patrek Mallister, horses were saddled, and twenty or so men were saddled and ready.

"We leave on your command" Axel said, bowing his head to Elonar.

"Then we ride now" said Lady Stark, Rausa her handmaid helped her up onto her horse and they rose north, never looking back, leaving Ser Brandon as lord or Winter with Patrek Mallister as his hand.

The journey north, lasted just over two weeks, Elonad was born and breed in the north, costumed to the harsh chills of winter, but the further north they rode, the colder El got. More than once she had contemplated the prospect of returning to winterfell. How does Jon stand it up here? El thought. The wall was, somewhat larger than Elonar had expected, when Maester Luwin had lectured the stark children about the wall, he'd said that the wall was much larger than the walls of winterfell. Much was somewhat of an understatement. The wall was 700 feet high, taller than any mountain El had ever seen. Directly in front of the party, was castle black, a small cluster of decrepit stone structure, "some how, I always imagined Castle black to be somewhat more impressed" Elonar said aloud. They gates were opened as Elonar entered then she dismounted and surveyed her surroundings, dark buildings falling down slowly around her, not unlike Winterfell when she found it. Out a the main hall, strode a young man dressed all in black. "JON!" Elonar exclaimed

"little sister?" He questioned then a huge grim took over his face, and a Elonar ran to Jon and embraced him. "El" he said "your grown little sister, in fact calling you little is somehow an injustice to you" he said releasing her "come in, out of the cold and we shall speak" Elonar stark then followed her brother willingly into the warmth of the black castle.

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