Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

*sorry for the long delay in updating, I've been super duper busy with school, but I'm back*

Axel Umber

Four weeks past since Orla's birth, most of which El had spent most of her time hid away in her chambers trying to decide what to do with herself. It was early one morning , the sun had only just risen into the feeble winter sky when El first heard that Axel and Sansa were to be wed next week, she was having breakfast with Alysane and the subject slipped into the conversation.

"Lady stark my lord" Axel's guard had only just finished announcing Elonar's arrival when she stormed into Axel's chambers.

"Leave us" she said waving the serve the away. "And when were you going to actually tell me that you are to wed my sister?" El demanded.

Axel was still in bed and not fully awake yet, he stifled a yawn before attempting to answer, "well today actually" he smirked, "since I heard you were returning to court the morning"

"You think this is funny?" El pressed, "for gods sake you, yourself suggested leaving Winterfell to avoid a scandal.. God Axel but marrying my sister, how on earth is this going to help anyone?"

"And my lady, you, yourself advised me to stay.. As I recall you also said that you don't care what people say about us.." Axel sat up, and ran his fingers through his hair, whilst trying to maintain his gaze on El who was glaring at him, hands on hips, and her hair flowing freely over shoulders.

She sighed, "gods Axel this is not a joke. You cannot simply marry my sister, at the very least you could have married some lady of a minor house, but my sister really?"

"And why can't I marry her then El? Does it make you jealous that I want to marry someone that isn't you? I can't have you anyway, you have made that all too clear so why do you care who I marry?" Axel protested, still holding El's steel glare.

"Because she's my sister that's why" El turned away angrily. "God Axel don't you see, this does bother me that your marrying her, because she's my sister. And I love Garlan dearly, but that doesn't mean that we didn't have something and Axel I care about you, and I don't want you to marry her for the wrong reasons."

"And who said I was marrying her for the wrong reasons?" Axel sighed, "I actually happen to like Sansa very much, she is very beautiful, intelligent and God El's she's gone through hell, she deserves someone who will treat her well, El don't you see that?"

"Does she now?" In all honestly El felt betrayed, Now even Axel turning away from her.

"She does" Axel said simply.

El was silent for a moment, thinking she had nothing left to say, she and Axel just looked at each other. El wanted to tell him so much, but what could she tell him? That Every time I look at my baby it reminds of you and my husband hates me for that, and I hate myself for thinking of you every time I see my child, because of what we can't have. No. El thought she couldn't tell him that.

"Are you alright El? Honestly.." Axel said breaking the silence of their thoughts.

El considered her answer for a moment "I- I don't know. I don't think so" she slowly made her way over to the bed and sat down on the corner of Axel's bed. "I fear Axel if I begin to tell you things I might never stop and that I shall regret most of it"

Axel smiled gently, and held out his hand. His hand was very nice, El noted, strong but also so delicate, she found herself thinking of taking it in hers and holding it for a great length of time.

"I fear the way I feel when I look at my- our daughter" El whispered, "I know it pains Gralan deeply each time he sees her, knowing she's not his. She is a constant reminder to him that I betrayed him once, I feel I am punishing myself for it. He loves me, I must remember that but it's the way he takes me now, he is always like he has to prove something to me, or to himself.."

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