Chapter 73

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Direstarks  insisted I update, so apologies for how shite this chapter is.

El's hands shook, her heart raced, and she had to force herself to take slower, deeper breaths as she walked slowly towards the iron throne. Her legs felt as though they might give in at any second, although she walked like it was she who should be sat on that throne. The King sat in the middle on the iron throne, He looked even younger than they said, El thought. Next to him on his right was Cersei, looking much older than El had remembered although she had not by any means lost the beauty she had once had. On Tommens left, sat Margaery who was obviously ecstatic to see her brother.

El looked fierce, in such a bright and tight fitting blue dress, hair down and flowing down her back. She radiated strength somehow, despite how nervous she actually was, El knew that this first impression was truly what stood between her and the alliance she need. So, El steadied her breaths, held her head higher, slanted her grey eyes in determination and first bowed as she was announced and then looked up her King.

"Lady Stark" the boy King said, obviously trying his best to keep up the facade of a King after a long day, "we welcome you back to court, and we are very grateful for your visit."

"Your grace" she smiled sweetly, "I am honoured to be back, and thank you for having us at such short notice."

Tommen smiled genuinely now, "it's good to see you again, we shall speak later tonight at dinner" so he did remember her, El thought. They had played together during El's time in Kingslanding. El was 12 and Tommen would have been 4, or 5 maybe El assumed that it being such a long time ago that he would not remember her, but this would either help or hinder El in getting what she wanted from Tommen. Her attention was then distracted by Cersei, who was sitting to the right of the King watching El intently, not lifting her gaze from her for the entire duration of court.

"Garlan!"Margaery squealed rushing over to El and Garlan. Garlan embraced his sister in a tight hug, "God I've missed you!" She exclaimed, "El you too!" Margaery smiled, hugging El next. "I heard you two had another child, El you look so beautiful, God that dress is superb."

"We did" Garlan smiled, answering because El had to and snaking his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him, "she's beautiful, her names Orla, you should see her Margaery"

"El you simply must see that gardens here, I'll have to take you for a walk tomorrow morning. Just the two of us, give Garlan a chance to catch up with his brothers hmm?" Margaery smiled, taking El's hand and squeezing it.

"Is Willas already here then?" Garlan asked, "I thought he would have stayed with father, given his state. " given his state.. What was that meant to mean? Garlan hadn't spoken of his father, or brothers or anything to do with his family since they left Highgarden last year.

"He's been here for a week, to see you mainly I think." Margaery said,"now of you'll excuse me, I must go get ready for the dinner tonight."

"Whats wrong with your father?" El asked as soon as they were back in their chambers.

Garlan sighed heavily pouring himself and El a glass of wine, "why did I know that wold be the first question off your lips the moment we got back here?"

"That didn't answer my question Garlan, stop avoiding it. If you won't tell me I'll just ask Margaery.." El said sternly crossing her arms across her chest.

Garlan sat down in one of the armchairs and sipped his wine slowly, "my father is dying El, and my brother Willas could never rule, given his condition.. No one would follow a man who can't walk into battle.."

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