Chapter Thirty one

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Chapter Thirty one

This is the changed ending btw.

Part two-


The morning came in a blink of an eye. El ate breakfast and got dressed into her amour alone and she made her way into the command tent to meet Garlan, Axel and the rest. As hard as she tried she could hide how much her hands shook while she tried to explain the days battle plans. Then she went out into the camp to address the men.

"I am aware that some of you are sworn Tyrell men, and if any of you would like to change sides, please go, nothing bad will happen to you." El waited a moment, not one man moved. "So today we fight for what is lawfully ours, the north has been ruled by my family since the first men, and we deserve it back" she yelled gaining confidence with every breath.

She walked to Garlan and fell into him "I love you, and you need to know that your the best thing that's ever happened to me and you are my other half" she said over the shouts of the men. She grabbed his face and pressed her forehead against his. She looked deep into his golden eyes and his eyes were glassy with tears.

"I love you more than you will ever know, my love" he said and he kissed her before tears spilled out his eyes. They stayed like that locked together frozen in time, together. Then they broke apart and he gave her hand one last squeeze before she mounted her horse.

They rode up the hill in silence and when they reached the top, El gasped seeing the Lannister army "gods" she exclaimed. She looked at Garlan and half smiled.

"Here we go" Axel umber said "QUEEN IN THE NORTH" he yelled and the screams of ten thousand men echoed in the morning air.

El swallowed and sat higher in her saddle "for the north!" She yelled then galloped down the valley into the lannisters.

That night when the fighting was done Elonar flopped down in the chair in the command tent, soon Axel umber came in panting. His face turned ashen grey when he saw El "Mi'Lady" he stuttered.

"Axel?" She asked

"El.." he said biting his lip hard.

"Axel,where's Garlan" her voice shook nearly as much as her hands did. Axel remained silent "where is he?" She yelled.

"El.. I.." Axel Umber began.

"For gods sake, Axel tell me." Elonar yelled, she laced her fingers together tight and they were clammy with sweat.

"I saw him, we were fighting together, and a Lannister horseman came from above and cut him down, near enough in half and then another horseman picked him up and threw him over his horse and galloped off."

El was speak less, what could you say to that, at first Axels words, did not mean a thing, then they hit her hard, El couldn't breathe. She kept sank to the floor, and just cried. "So he's gone?" She'd killed him, El knew that. She betrayed the Tyrells and refused to bow down to Tommen. Which caused the war that he died in.

Axel only nodded, "I saw it with my own eyes." Everything after that seem somewhat surreal, like El was in a dream, she remembered Axel leaving and people trying to feed her, but how could she eat if he was gone? He was her everything and if he was really gone, what could she do?

The night first night of their marriage, she was terrified he'd rape her. But he let her take the bed and slept on the floor. He waited until she was ready. The first time, it hurt El a great deal but she never told Garlan that, she was to scared to. But every night since, it was little he woke her up and she felt alive whenever she was with him, She loved him in every way, it was possible for one person to love another person.
Now she had nothing left, what would she do now?

Garlans face was imprinted in her brain, his laugh echoed through her mind and she could almost feel him pulling her back when she stood to leave. "I'm sorry my love" she couldn't look at him forever. He was gone, like everyone else. She then thought of Lyara and Rickard, Lyara with her golden eyes and light brown curls, the spitting image of him. And little Rickard with his grey eyes and light brown curls and Garlan's face.

Elonar fell into Axels open arms and the tears flowed warming her face. "He said, yesterday that I was to keep you safe, and make sure you didn't do anything stupid, like take your own life"

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't" she screamed throwing Axel off her.

"Because of everyone you see around you. The army needs a leader. Your children need a mother, El the north needs you" Axel said.

She knew then he was right, that Garlan would want her to continue but right now she couldn't."how? Did he.." She couldn't finish. "Tell me again, Axel"

"He was dismounted first, then a mounted Lannister nearly cut him in half, but he killed the man that killed him, before he fell." Axel said. "Then another man came and took him on his horse, I tried to chase after him, then I was surrounded." Once she was back in the tent, she looked around, it smelt like him, the sheets were a mess the way they'd left them that morning. His shirt lay on the floor, where he had thrown it. He was there, a ghost of him anyway.

"Don't" she said as Axel went to leave "i want you to send a message, to his father and brother, tell then how he died"

"As you wish Mi'Lady" Axel lingered for a moment "El, do you want me to stay?"

"Tell them, he's dead" She shook her head. "I need to be alone right now" she said. That nights was hell. A living hell. Many times she's gotten out of bed and plotted her suicide. But Axel was right, Lyara and Rickard needed her. And for them she must stay strong, Garlan would have wanted that.

"My love" his voice would forever echo in her mind, and she knew he'd be up there, waiting for when her time came, for them to be together, once more.


The Queen in the North: Game of thrones fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora