Chapter forty-four Elonar

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Chapter forty four

Sorry this chapter is 1. Boring as hell and 2. Short as hell

This is because I'm super busy with school at the moment and writing isn't my biggest priority. So yeah I apologise. But I do however have some good plot twists for y'all coming soon. So hang in there guys and enjoy this Gelonar smut ish stuff.


Morning light broken through the open windows, warm spring air, flooded the bed chamber. El rolled into the light, and cautiously rose from the bed, trying not to wake Garlan up, and stood by the window, she rubbed her eyes, blinded by the morning sunlight. El longed for home, for Winterfell, show ever pretty the south way, she wanted to go home now. She longed for the icy winds, the crisp blue skies, and the snow. That was home, and Highgarden would never be that, the warm air and stench of flowers suffocated her. She turned backtrack tot he bed where Garlan was sprawled across the mattress, ripped clothing scattered the floor and the skins hang off the bed. Garlan lay on his stomach, red fingernail marks covered his back.

El slid back into bed beside him as silently as she could, but Garlan groaned and pulled her in, she curled into his warmth, and he held her tight against his chest, she kissed his neck gently, and wrapped her arms around his waist, he opened his eyes and cupped her face in his hands "morning my love" he whispered his voice rough and husky, she pressed their foreheads together, their lips touched briefly, El pulled her lips away, and bit his bottom lip gently, then pulled at his lips slowly. Garlan's hands moved to her waist, pulling her closer, so no air was between them, "I want you,like last night" Garlan whispered pulling away from the kiss. El didn't respond she just kissed him harder, he climbed up on her and as he entered her, a moan escaped his lips into her mouth, he kissed all down her neck and sucked at her skin, leaving tiny red marks all over her chest.

He pressed Into her harder and her nails dug into his back, deepening the existing cuts. She let out a shaky breath as he pull out and, she pulled him back into her, by wrapping her legs around his backside, pushing him down, "I'm close" she whined into his collar bone.

Garlan lifted her chin as he pressed into her again, their eyes met and he held her gaze as his thrusts gained speed and pressure, El closed her eyes, and breathed in, "El keep looking at me" he said, his golden eyes, wide with lust. "I want to see you" he purred, his voice was so calm. He threw himself into her, so hard she was screaming his name, then he collapsed beside her "Gods your beautiful" he remarked, pushing her hair off her face as he regained his breath. "I wanted to take you riding today, the woods here are so beautiful"

"That sounds nice" she smiled kissing him again. El called Rausa in to ready her bath. After Rausa had washed and combed out her hair, she braided it back, to keep to off her face. Later El met Garlan in the courtyard, where he waited with two beautiful white mares, "and why do you need that?" He nodded towards the large dagger in a hilt at her waist.

"Just in case" she answered as he helped her up onto her horse.Garlan rolled his eyes and they rode into the woods in silence. "I thought they'd insist on someone accompanying us." El remarked to break the silence.

"Hmm" Garlan answered "there are all sorts of bad people in these woods"

"Robbers, and rapers I'd imagine." El added.

"You never know what could happen out here" Garlan smirked and El laughed.

"You could Have taken me out here to kill me, for all they" she added, slight smiling.

"Oh my love I'd do more than kill you out here" he laughed. "But I'm slightly worried about that knife hanging from your belt my love."

El sighed "Garlan, if i wanted you dead you'd be dead already."

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