Chapter sixty El

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Chapter sixty

So I've finished all my exams now I have 11 weeks off to write!! And that means i will be posting a lot more frequently! Btw happy GELONAR anniversary, 😂😂 basically this time last years post the first Gelonar chapters aw 😂
And I rushed this chapter, so there will be errors but I will edit later.

Enjoy, Sophie.

El was woken up by hushed voices and flickering candles in still darkness that lies just before dawn. She sat up saw Garlan lent against the door fame, with Axel holding a candle whispering just loud enough to hear, "near enough all his men deserted in the night, ran off and taken his supplies for winter, he's only left with less than 100 men" Axel said anxiously.

"Gods, do you think we can still fight?" Garlan replied, "how long do you reckon we have?"

"Less than an hour if we want to get a head start, but even then they have more men" Axel said more hurriedly.

"What does Stannis want us to do?" Garlan questioned, sensing the urgency.

"Attack right away, of course with the few men we have. I mean he's made it this far, he wants a good battle I suppose" Axel shook his head, "they'll slaughter us"

"Should I wake her?" Garlan asked nodded his head back to El, who's eyes were squeezed shut but her mind was wide awake.

Axel shook his head, "best not too wake her, she'll.."

"I'll what Axel?" El said sleepily, still refusing to open her eyes, "why would it be best for me to stay asleep?" She sat up and glared sleepily at both men.

"It's just.." Axel stammered.

"For gods sake Axel, spit it out man, you say we don't have much time yet you refuse to tell me what's going on" El said getting out of bed and pulling the sheet with her, to cover her nakedness.

"It's just, I assumed you wouldn't be fighting" Axel started, "since your.."

"Since im pregnant? Hmm well even if I wasn't to be fighting do you not think that I, as the Lady of this Castle you are about to fight over should know what's happened, and should need to be awake to hear how many men deserted in the night?" She sighed, "out, leave me to get dressed and I'll be downstairs in a moment" she hissed and as soon as the door swung shut, she was retching into the chamber pot, as she did most mornings nowadays.

Garlan touched his hand to her back gently, "I was going to wake you after he'd gone, I thought you must have been awake" he said as El stood and pushed her hair back form her face. She leaned into him and lazily draped her arms around him, "are you okay my love" he asked kissing her forehead, which burned feverishly under his lips.

"I feel like death, but after the scene I made just then I guess I must get up" she said weakly. Garlan knew That El wasn't a woman who could simply recoil back into the warmth of her bed, when she had a point like this to prove. This wasn't about her simply feeling unwell, this was El's simple Northern stubbornness trying to prove a point to Axel and also in a way to Garlan, and it was a point she had to keep making over and over, that she wasn't half as weak as they thought her to be.

She pulled away from Garlan and went to go get dressed. The sounds from downstairs of clattering of metal and shouting men came through the ajar window where Garlan leaned into the frame watching the light of torches approach over the hill. There was tension on the ground just as there was in the air, snow was coming, in the clouds, still dark from the night but hanging dense and heavy in the dawn light.

El came up behind him and pressed her palm to his back to stop it from shaking, "I'll admit I'm rather frightened my love" she said watching the enemy army rise over the hill, coming ever closer every second.

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