Chapter sixty six

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Chapter sixty six


For most of that day El rode alone, trying to forget about what had happened earlier because she knew she'd made a mistake and she also hoped that Garlan knew that and that he wouldn't in fact ride back to Highgarden. El was even a little surprised when he was wasn't waiting at the village for dinner, nor waiting in her room that evening. El was almost worrying about him until she saw his reflection in the looking glass while she brushed her hair before bed, "I thought you were going back to Highgarden" El said quietly.

"I thought you weren't talking to me after you practically accused me of raping you in front of the whole village" he retorted.

El was silence, that was bit of an exaggeration, Garlan was the one who rode off angrily not her. However it was El who started the whole argument that had lead to him riding off. "And I thought you weren't coming back.."

"Look, I'm sorry El, I really am. It was awful selfish of me to drag you out there this morning in the cold. I only did it because.. I wanted to surprise you, for us to do something spontaneous maybe, and to show my love the best way I know how, and I'm sorry." He said getting down on to his knees before her.

"No, I'm the one who should be apologising" El said raising her glance to meet him, "I allowed you to take me out there then exploded after, it wasn't fair on you."

Garlan made a face that suggested he was in agreement with El, nether the less he reached out and took her hand gently and raised it to his lips, "I'm so very sorry my love, that I harmed you, will you ever forgive me?" However angry she was with him, it wasn't his fault, how could it be? He had every right to have gotten that angry. Her emotions were out of control anyway from the baby. El nodded slowly, squeezing his hand, "El I'd do anything to make this right between us, you know that?" She leaned forward a little she gently pressed her lips to his. "But El.."

"Please stop talking Garlan" she said pulling him back.


"Oh will you shut up please" she smiled pulling him back into her lips. "Stand up" she said after a time, "you heard me" Garlan did as she said rising from his knees, he looked down at her, brows raised in confusion. El stood up as well, "I'm so.. so very sorry about this morning.."

His eyebrows raised even higher now, El tugged at the hem of his shirt lifting it up over his head and letting it fall to the floor. She walked around him running her fingers along his arms, and down his back then along his shoulder muscles and running over his collarbones. He caught her chin with his fingers lifting it up so that there eyes met, and his forefinger stoked over the bite marks and bruises on her neck. El's hands pressed against his hips and lowered themselves until they were untying the strings of his breeches. Garlan raised his hand to El's chest, gently smoothing his thumb over her nipple, He reached into her dress pulling it open gently. Garlan took her hand and lead her to the bed, where he sat down and let El crawl up on top of him.

She started with his lips, tugging and pulling at them, making him desperate for her touch, then her lips made their way down his neck, leaving her mark as he'd left on her that morning. He winced slightly as her teeth dug further into the flesh of his neck,"it hurts doesn't it?" She whispered into his skin.

"Mmmh" he murmured, "the sort of pain that you don't really mind" he said stroking her hair gently, with the remark El made sure that her next bite would be the sort of pain that he would mind. She ran her hand down his thigh, as she pressed her lips to the soft skin on his neck, her teeth sunk in and she twisted the skin beneath her teeth. He cursed, loudly "that's good enough revenge isn't it?" He said taking her face in his hands. El just sighed and slid off him gently and ran her fingers through her hair.

"You look so beautiful, just sitting there, like your sixteen and I'm about to feel very guilty about taking you" it was true, she did look strikingly beautiful and strangely young in that moonlight. El who was only just twenty three hadn't aged much in the almost seven years that Garlan and her had been together. Just the way the moonlight hit her bare shoulders and made her skin gleam ever so slightly. The silver shimmer of the light reflected into her eyes making them shine almost silver.

Garlan reached out and stroked her face, biting his lip slightly "what we have together, it's deep like the blood in our veins El." He said running his finger gently along her forearm tracing the prominent blue against the ivory white of her skin, "it never stops flowing and without it we'd die. We need each other El, like we need our blood to flow you see?" His fingers touching her palm and watching it open slowly, "your what makes my blood flow El, you are my heart. Don't you see? I love you, because I need to breathe. I need to love you otherwise I'd die, and that's why I know that we'll get through anything." His voice broke and he coughed to stop the rawness creeping into his words,

"you've made me so vulnerable, like you've cut me open and you're all inside me, like you've crept into every inch of me" El said running her finger along the scar down his chest.

"Gods I love you so much, and those words mean say much more than they sound, my love. They mean Elonar, that I love you more than any other man could ever possibly love you, and I want to simply hold you against my body. I was the first man to love you and I intend to be the last El, we are bound you and nothing either of us can do could break that and as hard as we try I could never stop loving you, because you are as much a part of me as my own hands or feet."

"So El will you let me, let me love you until I die?"

"Of course" El said biting her lip, "only if I can do the same" she was slightly bemused by what Garlan had just said. Those words reminded her of that night in the old orchard the night they'd first kissed, when he'd taken her don't to the temple for the old gods and Garlan had renounced religious of all kinds and explaining his belief in men, and their power to do either good or bad. Garlan much really be there best sort of man that there was, El thought, 'but even the best of us are only human' he'd also said. And he was right, gods he was right about all of it.

El then let him take her, and he was as gentle then as he was the first time he'd taken her. His hands delicately holding her likes she's break in his hands, his lips so beautifully loving upon hers, so warm and so amorous. They then fell asleep with El wrapped in his arms, Garlan's hands gently resting on her stomach and his head nuzzled into her neck. Just the sound of his breathing and the beat of his heart was enough to soothe El into sleep.

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