chapter 7

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It was supper time. Penny thanked the gods, she was starving. She showered and made her way over to the dining pavilion. When she got there she saw Wil chatting with Mr blond dude, the guy she dragged to the camp. She walked over to them.

"Hey Will. looks like mr blond dude gonna be ok." Will smiled at her. Blond dude looked at her confused.

"Yes he made a full recovery." Will laughed. He was always so sunshiny and happy, doesn't that get tiring?

"Im Jason." he stretched out his hand to shake.

"Penny." she shook his hand. He didn't look like he remembered her. Penny didn't blame him, blood and hellhound furr were probably still blocking his eyesight. Will noticed this.

"Jason, Penny was the one that  brought you here" will explain. Jason looked a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"Really? How did you outrun the hellhounds?"

"I didn't. After I dropped you they caught up so I took your coin sword thing and killed them. Then I picked you back up and carried you here. You're really heavy by the way." Penny explained and Jason blushed a bit at the end. Penny understood his shock. How could a 5'4 skinny 16 year old carry a tall buff dude and protect him from monsters.

"Well thank you."

"Anytime" Jason looked at her and smiled, Penny smiled back. "It's against rules but I want to hear more about how a new camper was able to kill 2 hellhounds, join me at the zeus table?"

"Sure. i'm undefined anyway so maybe i am a child of zeus."

They ate and chatted juring all of supper. First they talked about how she was able to get him to camp. Jason made her repeat that a couple hundred times. Then Jason told her about the last giant war. Nobody had really told her about it yet, whenever she asked people would just glare and call her insensitive. When she found out about romans she flipped.

"Wait what? Roman gods are real too?" she choked on her apple juice. Jason looked at Penny with an amused look.

"They really didn't tell you much did they?"

"No I guess not" Jason then explained to her the whole greek/roman thing, along with details from the argo II. When it was time for the campfire Conner and Travis came over to the zeus table.

"What do you guys say about throwing firecrackers into the fire tonight?" They couldn't tell if Connor was serious or not. Penny had learned the hard way that firecrackers from the hermes cabin usually meant they made the sound of a firework, so throwing them into the fire would cause lots of distress. Penny laughed but Jason slightly glared at conner. "I'll take that as a no. maybe some other time."

They got up and started walking towards the already blazing campfire.

"Travis, what do you say to joining my capture the flag team tomorrow night? Jupiter against poseidon." Penny perked up at the mention of capture the flag, she used to play that game with her cousins.

"Sure but we want offense. Defense never goes well with us" he motioned to him and conner. Conner made a motion of 2 sticks stuck out of his head. They sat down on a log, Jason went to go sit on the opposite side of the fire between the native american girl she saw early, and the back haired boy. They sang songs Penny still had yet to know but it was still fun. She would glance around at the campers, they all looked so happy, like they were home. 'This isn't my home, my home is gone'. She looked over at the log Jason was sitting. Annabeth had joined them. She looked over to the black haired boy, her eyes met his sea green ones. Usually she would look away embarrassed, but she held his gaze. Both of them didn't break it until Annabeth whispered something in his ear. Penny felt something in her gut, not like she was sick, but almost a dasha vu feeling. Something big was going to happen soon, and it had something to do with that boy.

Penny woke up early that morning, like usual, but she didn't feel like running that morning. Instead she headed to the beach to watch the rest of the sunrise. She climbed into a tree and sat in it. It hurt her eyes to look at but she didn't look away. The pink and orange clouds were beautiful against the dark blue. She heard splashing in front of her, she looked down to see the black haired boy emerging from the sea. He walked onto the sand and sat down.

"You know water is supposed to make you wet" The boy jumped when he heard her voice. He looked around but he wasn't able to spot her. She laughed and jumped down from her branch, walked over and sat next to him.

"It's a son of Poseidon thing," he smiled.

"Wouldn't it make more sense if a son of poseidon was always wet?" Penny was kinda serious about her question. He looked at the waves pondering her question.

"I guess it would." they watched the sunrise in silence for a bit, penny was drumming her fingers against her leg the whole time. Her ADHD had really started to act up recently. "Im Percy Jackson" he looked over at her. They were about a metre apart.


"Who's your godly parent?"

"Don't know, I haven't been claimed yet." that seemed to piss Percy off a bit, not that Penny had any idea why. "You're the guy everyone talks about, aren't you?" He smiled his trouble maker smirk.

"Well what do they say?"

"Mostly that smell your feet smell like dead fish, and that you keep minnows in your pockets. But i think they also mentioned that you saved the world once or twice." Percy gave her a look and smiled, making Penny chuckle.

"Well i dont keep minnows in my pockets but I won't deny the dead fish smell." they both laughed at this. Penny saw Percy reach into his pocket and pull out a pen. He started to fiddle with it. "How long have you been here?"

"Um well if you count the day I was unconscious for about 5 days? Wait nope 4 days." That means her family died 7 days ago. That felt like forever ago.  She looked at percy waiting for his response.

"4 days? But you must be at least 15, the gods should've claimed you by now." Percy looked pissed again.

"16 actually." Penny noticed how Percy's eyes started to look like a sea storm when he got angry. Penny stood up and started slowly walking away. "Did anyone ever tell you that you look very scary when you're mad." she walked away to breakfast leaving Percy behind.

-authors note-

I really hope you all are enjoying this. I really want this story to do well, so you reading it means the world to me. I know it's starting off slow but please be patient.

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